
  1. 而这却成为了伊丽莎白最先掌握的,也是她最有力的政治利器。

    This was Elizabeth 's first and would remain her strongest political weapon .

  2. 简.奥斯丁通过使伊丽莎白教会达西认识到自己的傲慢和自负,从而颠倒了传统的性别教育关系,为了能够成为适合伊丽莎白的伙伴,达西不得不重新调整自己。

    Jane Austen reverses the traditional sexual educational relationship by having Elizabeth teach Darcy to recognize his own arrogance and over-seriousness . Darcy has to learn to readjust himself in order to be a suitable companion for Elizabeth .

  3. 自1901年1月1日澳大利亚联邦成立以来,澳大利亚成为由女王伊丽莎白二世统治的英联邦的成员,并一直保持着稳定的自由民主政治体制。

    Since Federation on January 1 , 1901 , Australia has maintained a stable liberal democratic political system and is a Commonwealth realm , which has Elizabeth II as its monarch .