
  • 网络chronic eczema
  1. 方法用ELISA法分别检测51例慢性湿疹患者血清中10组食物过敏原特异性IgG4、特异性IgE。

    Methods Specific IgG4 as well as specific IgE to ten kinds of food allergens in sera of 51 patients with chronic eczema was examined by ELISA .

  2. 方法:1.药效实验:以小剂量二硝基氯苯(DNCB)溶液反复刺激豚鼠右耳建立40只豚鼠慢性湿疹模型。

    Pharmacodynamic study : The right ears of 40 guinea pigs were repeatedly challenged with a small dose of dinitrochlorobenzene ( DNCB ) to establish the models of chronic eczema .

  3. 结果:100例慢性湿疹皮损中70例P物质表达。

    Results : SP was detected in70 of100 specimens tested .

  4. 慢性湿疹患者的心理社会因素研究

    A Study of the Psycho-social Factors on Patients with Chronic Eczema

  5. 慢性湿疹皮炎患者斑贴试验的护理122例

    Nursing about the patch test for 122 patients with chronic eczema

  6. 复方氟米松软膏治疗慢性湿疹、神经性皮炎的临床疗效观察

    Clinical Efficacy of Compound Flumetasone Ointment for Chronic Eczema and Neurodermatitis

  7. 白芍总苷对实验性慢性湿疹的治疗作用及其部分机制

    Effects and Mechanisms of Total Glucosides of Paeony on Experimental Chronic Eczema

  8. 慢性湿疹患者心理防御方式测查分析

    Psycho-Defenses Style Investigation and Analysis on Patients with Chronic Eczema

  9. 慢性湿疹及神经性皮炎外用方剂组方用药规律研究

    Prescription Regularity Study on External Therapy Formulae of Chronic Eczema and Neurodermatitis

  10. 依匹斯汀联合复方甘草酸苷治疗慢性湿疹临床观察

    Clinical Efficacy of Epinastine in Combination with Compound Glycyrrhizin for Chronic Eczema

  11. 皮肤针叩刺加得宝松外擦治疗慢性湿疹的临床观察

    Clinical Study on the Treatment of Chronic eczema with Plan-blossom Needle Plus Diprospan

  12. 复方甘草酸苷联合氟米松乳膏治疗慢性湿疹疗效观察

    Clinical Observation of Compound Glycyrrhizin Combining Flumetasone in the Treatment of Chronic Eczema

  13. 药物并心理疗法治疗慢性湿疹疗效观察

    Clinical Observation of Chronic Eczema Treated with Pharmaceutical and Combinated with Psychologic Therapy

  14. 湿疹汤Ⅱ号内服治疗慢性湿疹临床疗效观察

    Therapeutic Effect Observation of Eczema Herb Oral Administration on the Patients with Chronic Eczema

  15. 结果研究组慢性湿疹症状明显改善,生活质量也明显提高。

    Results The study groups were enhanced the effecience and improved the living quantity .

  16. 慢性湿疹患者的心理健康状况

    Mental health status of patients with chronic eczema

  17. 液氮冷冻联合盐酸左西替利嗪治疗慢性湿疹的疗效观察

    Therapeutic effect on chronic eczema treated by liquid nitrogen refrigeration and cetirizine hydrochloride tablets

  18. 178例慢性湿疹和皮炎斑贴试验结果分析

    Analysis of the Results of Patch Test in 178 Patients with Chronic Eczema and Dermatitis

  19. 目的:探讨慢性湿疹和皮炎患者接触性致敏原及其特点。

    Objective : To explore the characteristics of contact allergens in chronic eczema and dermatitis .

  20. 目的为了探索疗效好、复发率低的治疗肛周慢性湿疹的方法。

    Objective To investigate an effective method with low recurrent rate for chronic perianal eczema .

  21. 结论:槐虎乳膏治疗慢性湿疹与丁酸氢化可的松软膏疗效相似。

    Conclusion : Herba Saxifragae cream has the same effect as hydrocortisone in treating chronic eczema .

  22. 卤米松乳膏治疗神经性皮炎慢性湿疹的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of the Therapeutic Effect of Halometasone Cream on Patients with Neurodermatitis and Chronic Eczema

  23. 慢性湿疹症治规律的现代中医文献研究

    The Modern Chinese Medicine Literature Research on the Discipline of the Chronic Eczema Symptom and Treatment

  24. 目的探讨慢性湿疹皮炎斑贴试验的护理要点。

    Objective To discuss the key points of nursing the patch test for patients with chronic eczema .

  25. 建模豚鼠皮肤显示慢性湿疹样皮损特点,组织病理呈慢性湿疹样改变。

    The skin of morphology and histopathology of eczema models of guinea pig showed the eczematous features .

  26. 卤米松乳膏联合夫西地酸乳膏治疗亚急性或慢性湿疹疗效观察

    Observation of clinical efficacy on subacute or chronic eczema treated with halometasone cream joint fusidic acid cream

  27. 氟芬那酸丁酯软膏联合维A酸乳膏治疗慢性湿疹和神经性皮炎疗效观察

    Observation on the Effect of Butyl Flufenamate Ointment Combined with Tretinoin Ointmen Treating Chronic Eczema and Dermatoneuritis

  28. 温泉浴联合复方松馏油糊治疗慢性湿疹的疗效观察

    An Observation the Effect of Spa Water Combined With Pine Compound Tar Paste In the Treatment of Chronic Eczema

  29. 慢性湿疹是由急性、亚急性阶段反覆发作经久不愈演变而来。

    The chronic eczema is caused by the acute , sub-acute stage which is not cured for a long time .

  30. 目的:分析病因复杂的慢性湿疹患者的心理卫生状况。

    AIM : To analyze the mental health status of patients with chronic eczema , which has complex etiological factor .