
  • 网络Chronic diarrhea;chronic diarrheal disease;CDD
  1. 慢性腹泻、维生素K依赖是常见的临床症状之一。

    Chronic diarrhea and vitamin K dependence are common clinical symptoms .

  2. AIDS并慢性腹泻的血液学变化与死亡的关系

    Relationship between Hematological Changes and Death in Patients with AIDS Complicated with Chronic Diarrhea

  3. 目的观察艾灸对脾虚型慢性腹泻患者唾液淀粉酶活性、血清SIgA的影响。

    Objective To observe the effect of granule moxibustion on saliva amylase activity and serum SIgA .

  4. 慢性腹泻组治疗后与正常对照组相比CD3、CD4、CD8、CD4/CD8差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    While there was no significant differences of CD3 , CD4 , CD8 and CD4 / CD8 in treatment group after treatment and control group ( P > 0.05 ) .

  5. 急性腹泻疗程5d,慢性腹泻疗程14d,观察腹泻缓解时间及腹泻伴随症状(腹疼痛、腹胀、里急后重等)变化。

    The days of diarrhea relief and the concomitant symptoms of diarrhea such as pain , bloating , and tenesmus were observed .

  6. 慢性腹泻待查4例,DBE检出病变2例;

    Four patients suffered from chronic diarrhea , and pathological changes were found in 2 of them .

  7. 【目的】探讨小儿迁延性及慢性腹泻病血中胃泌素(GAS)、胃动素(MOT)和生长抑素(SS)的变化情况和它们与胃肠动力紊乱的关系。

    To investigate the alteration of gastrin ( GAS ), motilin ( MOT ) and somatostatin ( SS ) in blood and their relationship with disorder of gastrointestinal motility in the children with deferred and chronic diarrhea diseases .

  8. 方法:回顾性研究70例AIDS并发慢性腹泻患者的血液学改变(包括Hb、WBC、ESR)住院天数及死亡人数并对上述数据进行统计学处理。

    Methods : Hematological changes ( including Hb ? WBC ? ESR ) the duration of hospitalization and mortality were reviewed retrospectively in 70 cases of AIDS complicated with chronic diarrhea and these date were statistically handlead .

  9. 慢性腹泻组治疗前CD3、CD4、CD4/CD8降低,CD8升高,与斯奇康治疗后、对照组相比,差异无有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    Before treatment with BCG-PSN , it was found that the value of CD3 , CD4 and CD4 / CD8 in treatment group were significantly lower and CD8 significantly greater than that after treatment and that in control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  10. 胃癌胃大部切除术后并发慢性腹泻一例

    Case of Subtotal Gastrectomy of Gastric Cancer Complicated with Chronic Diarrhea

  11. 内外并治慢性腹泻63例

    63 Cases of Chronic Diarrhea Treated by Internal and External Therapy

  12. 要素饮食治疗婴儿慢性腹泻的护理体会

    Nursing experience about treatment of infantile chronic diarrhea by elemental diet

  13. 回归分析在婴幼儿慢性腹泻对体重发育影响中的应用

    Regression analysis of the influence on the growth in children with

  14. 隔姜灸治疗慢性腹泻临床观察

    The Clinical Observation of Treating Chronic Diarrhoea with Moxibustion Insulated by Ginger

  15. 急慢性腹泻患者肠道菌群的改变

    Intestinal fl or a changes in patients with acute or chronic diarrhea

  16. 慢性腹泻病例,每日给服洛哌丁胺2-6mg。

    For chronic patients , loperamide 2-6 mg / d were given .

  17. 成都利尔-肠炎、慢性腹泻、肠功能紊乱,婴幼儿腹泻。

    Chengdu Lear-enteritis , chronic diarrhea , intestinal disorders , infantile diarrhea .

  18. 婴幼儿慢性腹泻危险因素病例对照研究

    A Case Control Study on Risk Factors for Chronic Diarrhoea in Infant

  19. 食物过敏是引起婴幼儿慢性腹泻的非感染因素之一。

    Food allergy is one factor of chronic diarrhea infant not infected .

  20. 谷氨酰胺对慢性腹泻幼鼠肠黏膜修复的影响

    Effect of Glutamine on Small Intestinal Repair After Chronic Diarrhea

  21. 小儿迁延性、慢性腹泻病83例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 83 children with persistent or chronic diarrhea

  22. 结论慢性腹泻大多数因肠道菌群失调所致。

    Conclusion Most of the chronic diarrhea occurs because of intestinal dysbacteriosis .

  23. 慢性腹泻与正常比仅锌下降,钙与锌在各组改变与锌相似。

    The situation with calcium was similar to zinc .

  24. 双歧杆菌对迁延性及慢性腹泻患儿部分胃肠激素的影响

    Effect of Bifidobacterium on gastrointestinal hormones in children with deferred or chronic diarrhea

  25. 治疗和预防轻度脱水引起的急性和慢性腹泻。

    Treatment and prevention of acute and chronic diarrhea caused by mild dehydration .

  26. 胶囊内镜在慢性腹泻中的诊断价值

    Value and safety of capsule endoscopy as a diagnostic tool in chronic diarrhea

  27. 全身系统性疾病主要包括:肺炎、慢性腹泻、结核等。

    Systemic diseases include pneumonia , chronic diarrhea , tuberculosis , et al .

  28. 隔姜灸神阙治疗慢性腹泻疗效与免疫功能的关系

    Relationship Between Effect & Immunologic Function in Shenque Ginger Moxibustion for Chronic Diarrhea

  29. 慢性腹泻及贫血可能是本病较多的伴发症状。

    Chronic diarrhea and anemia are probably the complications .

  30. 抗生素应用与婴幼儿慢性腹泻病的关系

    Relationship between Use of Antibiotics and Chronic Diarrhoea in Infants and Young Children