
  • 网络chronic strain;OVER USE
  1. 主要原因为急性腰扭伤或是长期慢性劳损,多发于青壮年,也可见于中老年人。

    Causes major is suddenly or chronic strain of lumbar sprain , sending to young adults , can also be seen in the elderly .

  2. 通过对跟骨刺病因的新认识,即由于外伤、慢性劳损,使足底腱膜紧张、挛缩、骨化,最终导致骨刺形成。

    According to the new cause of heel bony spur happening , such as trauma , chronic strain and so on , local planter becomes tonicity , contracture , ossifying , and it makes the heel bony spur happen .

  3. 一般来说,起病与肩部的外伤(有时甚至是轻微外伤)或过劳引起的慢性劳损或局部外感风寒有关。

    Generally the onset is related to trauma even micro trauma of shoulder or caused by the overwork excess fatigue overstrain affection of external wind-cold .

  4. 用于颈、肩、譬、背、腰、臀、腿部等软组织闭合性损伤和慢性劳损。

    For the neck , shoulders , and give an example , back , back , buttocks , legs , and other soft tissue trauma and chronic fatigue .

  5. 其创伤特点主要为慢性劳损性伤或由急性伤迁延所致的慢性伤,急性伤只占15%左右。

    The types of injuries were mainly chronic overuse injury or chronic injury on the acute basis . Acute injury was relatively rare ( about 15 % ) .

  6. 因长期慢性劳损,颈椎退变,骨质增生,椎棘突移位以及椎间孔周围软组织的炎症、充血、水肿压迫神经根、椎动脉、脊髓等出现一系列临床症状,导致颈椎病的发生。

    For chronic strain , cervical vertebra degeneration , hyperosteogeny , vertebral spinous shift and the inflammation of soft tissue around the hole , swelling oppressing nerve roots , vertebral artery and spinal cord , etc , leads to a series of clinical symptoms of cervical spondylosis .

  7. 肘关节不稳是急性骨折脱位及慢性运动劳损中常见的肘部疾患,对于急性肘关节不稳的治疗至关重要,及时治疗避免形成慢性不稳。

    The instability of elbow is common among patients who suffered f ro m acute fracture or dislocation or from chronic strain .

  8. 慢性腰肌劳损汽化药热疗的护理

    Nursing for chronic strain of lumbar muscles treated with vaporizing heated medicine

  9. 外治疗法治疗慢性腰肌劳损69例疗效观察

    Efficacy Observation on External Therapy for 69 Cases of Chronic Lumbar Muscle Strain

  10. 中医治疗慢性腰肌劳损83例临床观察

    Chinese Medicine Treatment of Clinical Observation of 83 Cases of Chronic Lumbar Muscle Strain

  11. 结论:对腰骶部骨筋膜室综合征的认识及早期治疗,对预防或减少慢性腰肌劳损所致的慢性腰痛具有重要意义。

    Conclusion : To early prevent this compartment syndrome can reduce the low back pain .

  12. 手象针治疗急慢性腰肌劳损60例

    Treatment of acute and chronic lumbar muscle strain ( 60 cases ) with hand acupuncture

  13. 结论穴位埋线治疗慢性腰肌劳损的临床疗效与温针灸相当,针灸疗法的应用安全,值得临床推广应用。

    Clinical application of acupuncture and moxibustion was safe and worthy of clinical generalization and application .

  14. 针刺结合火罐疗法对慢性腰肌劳损患者疼痛指数的影响

    Effect of acupuncture combined with cupping on the pain index in patients with chronic lumbar muscle strain

  15. 期望进一步规范慢性腰肌劳损的临床研究,获得较好的社会效益。

    Looking forward to further standardize the clinical research of chronic lumbar muscle strain and get better social benefits .

  16. 高能生物离子治疗慢性腰肌劳损51例疗效分析

    A therapeutic effectiveness analysis of 51 cases of chronic lumbar muscle strain response to high - energy bio - ion

  17. 结论高能生物离子是一种新的、治疗慢性腰肌劳损的有效方法。

    Conclusions The high - energy bio - ion is a new , effective treatment method for chronic lumbar muscle strain .

  18. 治疗及预防原则(1)扶正祛邪是治疗慢性腰肌劳损的根本法则。

    Cure and prevent from the principle ( 1 ) Support just dispel evil is basic rule that cures the chronic waist muscle lassitude .

  19. 病因病机(1)体虚过劳,复感外邪是慢性腰肌劳损发生的:基本原因。

    Cause of disease disease machine ( 1 ) Body is weak lead the lassitude , reply the feeling the outside is evil is basic reason of the chronic waist muscle lassitude occurrence .

  20. 慢性腰肌劳损是腰部肌肉的慢性损伤,以腰部钝痛,劳累后疼痛加剧为主症,属于中医腰痛、痹证范畴。

    The chronic waist muscle lassitude is the chronic harm of the muscle of loins , with the loins dull pain , the weariness from overwork is behind the ache turns worse for the main disease .

  21. 目的寻找新的治疗慢性腰肌劳损的有效方法,观察高能生物离子治疗慢性腰肌劳损的疗效。

    Objective To explore a new effective physical treatment method for chronic lumbar muscle strain and to observe its therapeutic effectiveness of the high - energy bio - ion when it served to the chronic lumbar muscle strain .

  22. 目的:观察慢性腰肌劳损患者经针刺结合火罐疗法治疗后疼痛指数的变化及其干预效果,并与电脑中频结合超短波疗法进行比较。

    AIM : To observe the change of pain scores and its intervention effect after treatment with acupuncture combined with cupping in patients with chronic lumbar muscle strain and compare the curative effect with the method of medium frequency electrotherapy combined with ultrashort wave electrotherapy .

  23. 实践证明,考的松类激素局部封闭对慢性运动损伤的短期疗效良好,但治疗慢性劳损性损伤时中远期复发率较高。

    It was practically proved that intralesional injection of corticosteroidss had a good healing effect of short - term on chronic sports injuries but the long - term recurring rate of chronic overused injuries was relatively high .