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kuì jiù
  • Guilt;conscience;compunction;embarrassment;be ashamed and uneasy;penitence
愧疚 [kuì jiù]
  • [be ashamed and uneasy] 惭愧内疚

愧疚[kuì jiù]
  1. 愧疚是控制儿童的秘密武器。

    Guilt is the secret weapon for the control of children .

  2. 他们对所惹的麻烦深感愧疚。

    They were very apologetic about the trouble they 'd caused .

  3. 愧疚之情压得他透不过气来。

    The burden of guilt weighed heavily on his mind .

  4. 她万般愧疚,心如刀割。

    She was pierced to the heart with guilt .

  5. 我对此觉得有点儿愧疚。

    I felt a wee bit guilty about it .

  6. 她内心的愧疚是无法消除的。

    Nothing could purge the guilt from her mind .

  7. 他满脸愧疚。

    Guilt was written all over his face .

  8. 多年来她一直感到愧疚。

    For years she was haunted by guilt .

  9. 她感到愧疚难当。

    She was overwhelmed by feelings of guilt .

  10. 他向她撒了谎却毫无愧疚。

    He had lied to her without compunction .

  11. 我说这话是利用了她的慷慨,对此我感到愧疚。

    I felt guilty saying that , playing on her generosity .

  12. 马尔科姆认为他在为其私底下两面派的行为而心生愧疚。

    Malcolm believed he was guilty of duplicity in his private dealings .

  13. 对于他们所做的改进,他们简直感到愧疚。

    They were almost apologetic about the improvements they 'd made

  14. 最近她和两个孩子在一起的时间少了,她为此感到愧疚。

    She feels guilty about spending less time lately with her two kids

  15. 她生活在深深的愧疚之中。

    She lives with a pervasive sense of guilt .

  16. 洛赫明显对此感到愧疚。

    Loch plainly felt guilty about it .

  17. 我们深感愧疚。

    We 're so laden with guilt

  18. 偶尔她会想起丈夫,但她很快会把愧疚抛到一边。

    For a moment her husband came to mind , but she pushed the guilt aside .

  19. 她深感愧疚。

    She is deeply penitent .

  20. 之后她会因为自己发火而感到愧疚,会替孩子们做更多的事作为补偿。

    She would then feel guilt for her anger and compensate by doing even more for the children .

  21. 就好像去夏威夷就一定要开心似的,如果你不开心,你会一个劲儿地感到愧疚。

    There 's such pressure to be happy in Hawaii , if you 're unhappy you 're on a guilt trip

  22. 但现在为我自己的女儿感到愧疚。

    But now I felt ashamed of my own daughter .

  23. 他因自己向女朋友隐瞒真情而愧疚。

    He was ashamed for having hidden the truth from his girl friend .

  24. 在世界上许多地方,工作和睡觉之余,看电视是最常见的日常活动,这是令我们感到愧疚的娱乐活动。

    Ifs our guilty pleasure : Watching TV is the most common everyday activity , after work and sleep , in many parts of the world .

  25. 我正在房间里想办法让他们感到愧疚时,父亲进来了。"

    I was in my room ways to make them sorry when my father came in . "

  26. Leisureguilt指休假或请假期间伴有的一种愧疚心理,你对留在办公室的(或者休完假即将面对的)工作很担忧,以至于你认为不休假反而会轻松一些,我们称为“休假愧疚心理”。

    Leisure guilt is the guilt that comes with taking a vacation or a day off from work . You 're so anxiety-ridden about the work you 're leaving behind ( or will be returning to ) that it 's less painful not to take time off .

  27. 对某件事承担责任或感到愧疚;

    Hold the bag : To have responsibility or guilt3 for something foisted4 upon oneself ;

  28. 我小时候是个很难相处的老二,但现在有了自己的孩子后,我对自己过去的行为感到很愧疚!

    I was a really difficult middle child , but now I have children of my own , I feel really bad about how I used to behave !

  29. “他感到深深的愧疚感而变得歇斯底里,”PaulWesley在向《娱乐周刊》谈自己扮演的这个角色对这些事件的反应时说。

    " His guilt us so deep that he goes off the deep end ," Paul Wesley says to Entertainment Weekly of his character 's reaction to those events .

  30. 当然了,不是每个人看了这书都对他们所做的坏事感到愧疚。但是BreeVanDeKamp就觉得。

    Of course , not everyone who reads this book feels guilt over the bad things that they do . But Bree Van de Kamp did .
