
yì jiàn shū
  • proposal;written opinions;proposals submitted in written form
  1. 一份征询意见书已贴在了因特网上,欢迎网络用户发表意见。

    A consultation paper has been posted on the Internet inviting input from Net users .

  2. 小组一致通过了她所拟议的意见书。

    The group unanimously adopted the proposal she drew up .

  3. 第四十条审计机关审定审计报告,对审计事项作出评价,出具审计意见书;对违反国家规定的财政收支、财务收支行为,需要依法给予处理、处罚的,在法定职权范围内作出审计决定或者向有关主管机关提出处理、处罚意见。

    Article 40 Audit institutions shall , after examining the audit reports , give evaluations or punishment to the competent authorities .

  4. 周三(1月6日),威廉·H·奥里克法官(WilliamH.Orrick)在一份初步意见书上对他们的主张表示反对。

    In a tentative opinion on Wednesday , Judge William H. Orrick disagreed .

  5. 您访问feed阅读器,查看该信息,调整了意见书,最新的信息让与会者的印象深刻。

    You access your feed reader , note the information , tweak your position paper , and impress the meeting attendees by having the most up-to-date information .

  6. 和其他类型的金融资产相比,房地产交易带来的洗钱风险相对较小,美国土地产权协会(AmericanLandTitleAssociation)在对监管规则提案的意见书中说。

    The money-laundering risks presented by real estate closings are relatively small , compared to other types of financial assets , the American Land Title Association said in comments on the proposed rules .

  7. 香港总商会(HongKongGeneralChamberofCommerce)拒绝就上述提案置评。该组织仅表示,将在提交意见书之前,对这些提案进行研究,并征求成员意见。

    The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce declined to comment on the proposals , saying only that it would study them and solicit views from members before submitting a position paper .

  8. 最后总共收到74份意见书,可以在敏捷教练营的wiki上看到它们。

    A total of74 position papers were submitted and can be found on the Agile Coach Camp wiki .

  9. 在一份具有划时代意义的意见书中,一个由各国数据保护监管机构组成的团体article29workingparty表示,是时候更注意这个领域的互联网活动了。

    In a landmark opinion paper , a group of national data protection regulators , known as the article 29 working party , said it was time to cast a closer eye over this area of Internet activity .

  10. 如果我的意见书,不宜用于RF,我同意,让他们将提供编辑组,他们被认为是有新闻价值的的接受。

    If my submissions are unfit for RF , I agree to allow them to be accepted into the Editorial Section provided they are deemed to be newsworthy .

  11. 主要意见书作者、大法官安东尼·M·肯尼迪(AnthonyM.Kennedy)一贯对种族敏感的项目持怀疑态度,之前从来没有在投票中支持过平权行动计划。

    Justice Anthony M. Kennedy , the author of the majority opinion , has long been skeptical of race-sensitive programs and had never before voted to uphold an affirmative action plan .

  12. 开始,AICPA组建APB去制订作为公认会计原则的APB意见书,同时,它又组建立独立的会计研究部,研究基本会计假设和广泛适用的企业会计原则。

    The AICPA created APB issued opinion as GAAP , in addition , It appointed a independent Accounting Research Division ( ARD ) to study basic postulates and broad principles . ARD quickly completed its mission .

  13. 第三章对国际上,尤其是美国的经营者股票期权会计的发展情况进行了系统的梳理,重点介绍了美国股票期权会计处理的两个准则:APB第25号意见书和SFASNO。

    Chapter Three try to learn the development skeleton of accounting process of Executive Stock Options in all countries , especially the United States , systematically , derives theoretical distillation , introduces systemically two principles of stock option accounting in the United States : APB 25 and SFAS No.

  14. 法律意见书和上市保荐书;

    The legal opinions as well as the Recommendation Letter of Listing ;

  15. 本文首先探讨资产证券化意见书的性质,接着从正反两面探讨资产证券化律师意见书对于投资者及公众的外部性影响。

    This article first examines the nature of legal opinions in securitization .

  16. 论我国司法鉴定人法律责任的完善论诉讼中的专家法律意见书

    The Consummations of the Legal Responsibility of Expert in China

  17. 虽然大多数机构拒绝邀约工作,鼓励航订购的意见书。

    While most agencies refuse unsolicited work , UTA encourages online submissions .

  18. 这些意见书提供了不少有用而宝贵的意见和建议。

    These submissions provide useful and valuable views , comments and suggestions .

  19. 法律意见书和证券公司的推荐书;

    Legal advice and recommendation of the securities company ;

  20. 这篇报告不再是一篇意见书。

    This paper is no longer a position paper .

  21. 不用客气。这是法律意见书,你可以用来参考。

    It is the legal opinion , and you can refer to it .

  22. 主要财务报表及审计意见书

    The Key Financial Statements and the Auditor 's Report

  23. 综合邻舍计划服务检讨意见书。

    Paper on integrated neighborhood project review chin .

  24. 论诉讼中的专家法律意见书

    Research on the Expert Legal Opinion in Litigation

  25. 无保留审计意见书也称“洁净意见书”。

    An unqualified audit report is also known as a " clean " report .

  26. 有环境污染的项目应出具环保部门意见书;

    Position paper provided by the environment protection department for the item with environment pollution ;

  27. 我们不接受任何短片意见书使用权出让或收购程序。

    We do not accept short film submissions for either the Granting or Acquisitions Programs .

  28. 论专家法律意见书

    On the Expert Legal Opinion Letter

  29. 这是因为各环节的质量意见书和他们从网上出版商。

    This is due to all the quality submissions and links they get from online publishers .

  30. 肯尼迪大法官在意见书中写道:宪法应根据社会的变化而不断发展。

    Justice Kennedy wrote in the majority opinion that the Constitution should evolve with societal changes .