
  • 网络Made in Italy
  1. 与TheRow相比,芬迪(Fendi)也不甘示弱,推出价值3.4万美元的3Jours鳄鱼皮系列,这是一款两侧向外呈三角形的包包,提手在意大利制造。

    Fendi 's not far behind The Row with its $ 34000 3Jours Alligator Shopper , a flared gusset tote with top handles made in Italy .

  2. 是由意大利制造的土豪级建设自行车

    and it 's a luxury exercise bike made in Italy .

  3. 意大利制造的奢侈品在奢侈品行业中,售价已属最高。然而,在此之后一年,这对双胞胎姐妹与艺术家达米恩·赫斯特(DamienHirst)合作,包包的标价变得更高。

    The Italian-made splurge was the priciest item in an already extravagant line - and the twins managed to attach even heftier price tags after collaborating with artist Damien Hirst a year later .

  4. 所有带在意大利制造。它提供最有名的设计师品牌。

    All belts and leather goods are entirely manufactured in Italy by skilled personnel .

  5. 该厂的产品上贴有意大利制造标签,也会销往非洲市场。

    Products carry a Made in Italy label and are also marketed in Africa .

  6. 意大利制造关注中国市场

    Italian manufacturers looking for the China market

  7. 意大利制造的价值

    Value of " Made in Italy "

  8. 意大利制造艺术

    Italy Made In Art : Now

  9. 外套里面有一条标签,说明是意大利制造的。

    Inside the coat there is a label which says that it is made in Italy .

  10. 但在普拉托,这一过程只需两周,还能贴上“意大利制造”的标签。

    In Prato , it takes two weeks and comes with the " made in Italy " label .

  11. 意大利制造之艺术展

    Italy Made in Art

  12. 这些中小企业主要属于制衣、家具、摩托车和游艇这些典型的意大利制造行业。

    Such enterprises are predominantly in the classic Made in Italy manufacturing sectors of clothing , furnishings , motorcycles and yachts .

  13. 数百年来,意大利制造的标签一直代表着值得掏钱的精湛手艺。

    For centuries , the Made in Italy label has been a marker of the finest craftsmanship that money can buy .

  14. 毕竟,意大利制造标签在消费者心目中等同于精品的代名词(具有讽刺意味的是,在中国富人的眼里也是如此)。

    After all , the Made in Italy label carries cachet among consumers ( including , ironically , wealthy Chinese shoppers ) .

  15. 关于一件产品需要具备哪些条件才能贴上意大利制造的标签,意大利已制定了相关法律,她补充道。

    Italy has already created legislation regarding what is necessary for a product to carry the ' Made in Italy ' label , she adds .

  16. 那他穿上美国制造、意大利制造、萨尔瓦多亦或是其他地方制造的衣服,这就会使他看上去更像个人吗?

    And if wears Made in USA or Italy or El Salvador or somewhere else , does it also make him more than what he really is ?

  17. 金银首饰服装品牌,真正独家的,完全在意大利制造和设计。戒指,吊坠,项链,手镯和耳环是真的特别刻了独特的文本。

    Manufacturer , based in the Murano island , of a huge range of Murano glass costume jewellery , including bracelets , necklaces , earrings and fantastic pendants .

  18. 为了取悦消费者所喜欢“意大利制造”的商标,一些豪华品牌现在就雇佣非法的中国劳工在意大利制作产品。

    To please customers looking for the " Made in Italy " label , several luxury companies now have their goods made in Italy by illegal Chinese laborers .

  19. 欧洲奢侈品行业的高管们称,中国消费者喜欢追逐那些贴着“意大利制造”、“法国制造”标签的商品,或者“瑞士制造”的手表。

    European luxury goods executives report that shoppers from China home in on goods labelled made in Italy , made in France or , for watches , made in Switzerland .

  20. 亚麻桌布展示了豪华的由意大利制造出的纯比利时亚麻棉、棉锻、锦缎的桌布,餐垫和餐巾纸。

    The Table Linens collection showcases a selection of luxurious tablecloths , placemats , dinner napkins and table runners made in Italy out of pure Belgian Linen flax or cotton sateen damask .

  21. 为什么会这么贵呢?首先,这款意大利制造的戒指镀有18K金或银,此外还有五种宝石供买家选择,分别是蓝色托帕石、不纯蛋白石、缟玛瑙、蓝宝石和红宝石。

    Why the premium ? For one , the Italy-made ring is plated with either 18K gold or silver , and there are five options for the gemstone : blue topaz , opalite , onyx , sapphire and ruby .

  22. 有人说,面临危险的是整个意大利制造概念的存在个体企业是意大利时尚感所体现的质量和风格的保证,或者说国外太多意大利商品爱好者这样认为。

    At stake , say some , is the survival of the entire Made in Italy concept artisanal firms that are the guarantors , or so many lovers of Italian goods abroad believe of the quality and style that embody the sense of Italian fashion .

  23. 意大利提琴制造学派

    The Italian School of Violin Making 1600-1785

  24. 意大利杨制造胶合板的研究

    A study of Italian poplar plywood

  25. 意大利机床制造者协会

    Italian Machine Tools Manufacturers Association

  26. 1995年在国内率先引进意大利技术制造三合一饮料包装机械。

    We are the first who introduced advanced Italic technology produced the first 3 in 1 beverage machine in 1995 .

  27. 意大利的制造业和旅游业都受到强势欧元的影响,而日益老龄化的人口还在要求上调工资。

    It moves manufacturing and tourism , both hurt by the strong euro , and has an aging population who demand higher wages .

  28. 所有的珍藏品都各自独特的风格,在人才熟练工聚集的佛罗伦萨(意大利)制造,从非凡的纤维到杰出的床品。

    All the collections are entirely styled and manufactured in Florence ( Italy ) where talented artisans expertly craft the finest fabrics into extraordinary linens .

  29. 德国和意大利的制造业也很强劲,英国同样如此。英镑疲软帮助英国制造业活动在1月份增至15年来的最高水平。

    Germany and Italy were also strong , as was the UK , where weaker sterling helped manufacturing activity increase to a 15-year high last month .

  30. 意大利纺织机械制造工业的特色

    The Characteristics of Italian Textile Machinery Industry