
  • 网络The situation has changed;Things Change
  1. 自北京在2005年突然发现了近3000亿美元的产出以来,又有什么情况变化了吗?

    Has anything changed since 2005 , when Beijing found almost $ 300bn down the back of the sofa ?

  2. 然而,现在情况有些变化了,有些游客希望我们能提供音频解说和视频介绍。

    But that 's changing a little bit and some people want more in the way of commentary and visual guides .

  3. 这一情况的变化,加大了汇率的不确定性和拓展了汇率的浮动空间。

    This situation changes , increased exchange rate uncertainty and foreign exchange controls .

  4. 本文用寿命表法对江西某钨矿1321例尘肺病人累积活存情况和病情变化作了统计分析。

    1321 cases of pneumoconiosis patients found in wolfram mine in Jiangxi were analyzed by life table method .

  5. 此外,利用地震资料中的倾角信息,对工区地层和构造的倾斜情况及空间变化作了分析。

    Moreover , dip information included in seismic files is used to analyze strata and structure dip and its variation in space .

  6. 在干预期间,我们发现居民感染该血吸虫病的情况有所变化,测定了田螺的血吸虫感染率,用小鼠对湖水的感染性进行了测试。

    During the intervention period , we observed changes in S.japonicum infection in humans , measured the rate of infection in snails , and tested the infectivity of lake water in mice .

  7. 结合服装里子样板与表布样板结构轮廓的不同情况与变化,研究了多种情况下适用于自动配裁服装里子样板的设计变换,并进行了模型应用规律的分析说明。

    Depending on the difference in the structure and outline between lining patterns and surface cloth patterns , the author also studied the design variation applicable to cutting lining patterns automatically under various conditions , explaining the principle about how to apply the model .