
  • 网络escalation;Escalation of Commitment;escalating commitment
  1. 基于实验研究的恶性增资行为解释:自辨理论还是前景理论?

    Interpretation of Escalation of Commitment Based on an Experiment Research : Self-justification Theory or Prospect Theory ;

  2. 决策责任、原生性认知、资本预算项目恶性增资&基于模拟试验的证据本科《循证护理》教学内容认知调查与课程设置预案研究

    Decision Responsibility , Generative Cognition , Escalation of Commitment in Capital Budgeting Decision : An Experimental Research Based on Role-playing Experiments ; Study on Cognitive Status of Nursing Undergraduates to Evidence-based Nursing and Curriculum Design of Evidence-based Nursing for Undergraduates

  3. 恶性增资(EscalationofCommitment)是指企业对一个失败的投资项目继续投入资源的行为。

    In corporate finance field , Escalation of Commitment means a firm continues to invest additional resources in what appears to be a losing project .

  4. 本文从寻租角度分析了资本预算项目恶性增资的成因。

    The paper examines the escalating commitment in capital budget items from the perspective of rent-seeking behavior .

  5. 研究发现,恶性增资现象发生的概率比较高,应该引起足够的重视;

    Our study finds that the probability of escalating commitment is relatively high , should attract enough attention .

  6. 然而,传统理论在解释恶性增资行为方面是不完全的,因为它们没有提供一种有效的机制来区分合理的增资行为和不合理的增资行为。

    But the traditional theories give an incomplete picture because they do not provide a mechanism for distinguishing warranted from unwarranted escalation .

  7. 银行高层更替与不良贷款恶性增资&基于不良贷款拨备与剥离视角的分析

    Reshuffle of Senior Banking Officials and Escalation of Commitment of Non-Performing Loans & From the Perspective of Provision Against and Splitting off NPL

  8. 某些学校极尽奢华,所建的校园大大超出了我国高校办学基本条件和本科教学评估的标准,引发了恶性增资。

    A few universities are very luxurious and the campus they construct is far more than the standards which the basic conditions in universities and the undergraduate teaching level evaluation system provide . This triggers a vicious capital increase .

  9. 企业无节制的投资、盲目扩大投资领域等过度投资行为,不仅造成社会资源的浪费、企业投资效率的低下,甚至由于恶性增资而进一步影响企业的发展。

    Over-investment behavior , such as unregulated investment of companies and blind expansion of investment , not only stands for a waste of social resources and low efficiency of business investment , but also influent the development of enterprises for further malignant increased funds .