
  • 网络Constant temperature and humidity system;DDC
  1. 恒温恒湿系统控制及果蔬预冷研究

    Research on the Control of Constant Temperature and Humidity System and the Precooling of Vegetables and Fruits

  2. 关于恒温恒湿系统除湿的理论分析

    Analysis of Dehumidification of Constant Temperature and Constant Humidity System

  3. 解耦算法在变风量变水温恒温恒湿系统中的应用研究

    Temperature and Humidity Control with Decouple Algorithm in a Variable Air Volume and Chilled Water Temperature Air-conditioning System

  4. 恒温恒湿系统的温度在10℃~35℃连续可调、湿度控制在30%~60%之间,满足了电磁兼容标准对试验环境气候条件要求的最大范围;

    The climate conditioning system provides adjustable temperature between 10 ℃~ 35 ℃ and humidity between 30 % ~ 60 % , it meets those requirement for testing climate in relative standards .

  5. 在系统设计建造完成后,为了使该恒温恒湿空调系统更加高效节能,使用TRNSYS软件对该系统建模,并且用实验对建立的模型进行验证。

    After the design and construction of the system , in order to make the system more energy-efficient , TRNSYS software is employed to build model for the system . And then , experiment is adopted to verify the built model .

  6. 恒温恒湿空调系统设计中的几点体会

    Some design experience on constant temperature and humidity HVAC system

  7. 浅谈实验室用恒温恒湿空调系统的节能优化方案

    An Energy-saving and Optimize Scheme of Air Conditioning in Constant Temperature and Humidity Laboratory

  8. 某检验室恒温恒湿空调系统的节能设计

    Energy-saving of constant temperature and humidity test room

  9. 本文以实际工程为基础,设计一套恒温恒湿空调系统。

    This text is based on the actual project to design a constant temperature and humidity air-conditioning system .

  10. 恒温恒湿空调系统是指对温度、湿度和洁净度都有严格要求的专用空调系统。

    A constant temperature and humidity air-conditioning system is the air-conditioning system which has a strict requirement of temperature , humidity and cleanliness .

  11. 为了分析地源热泵恒温恒湿空调系统的性能特点,建立了系统的理论模型。

    In order to analyze the performance characteristics of the constant temperature and humidity air-conditioning system driven by GSHPs , established a theoretical model .

  12. 对该地源热泵恒温恒湿空调系统的推广应用进行了地域性分析。

    To promote the application of constant temperature and humidity air-conditioning system driven by GSHPs , the regional analysis of the system has been done .

  13. 恒温恒湿空调系统的数值模拟与节能分析恒温恒湿空调三种工况下自动控制研究

    Simulation on Constant Temperature and Humidity Systerms & Analysis of Energy Conservation ; Research on auto-control of constant temperature and constant humidity air-conditioner in three different conditions

  14. 随着社会的发展,恒温恒湿空调系统在很多领域得到了广泛的应用,需求量也不断增加。

    With the development of society , the requirement of constant temperature and humidity air-conditioning system , widely used in many fields , becomes larger and larger .

  15. 相较于传统恒温恒湿空调系统,该系统最多只需要表冷器、加热器、加湿器中的两个部件工作,即可实现对温湿度的精确控制,减小或消除了空气处理过程中的热湿补偿损失。

    Compared to the conventional system , just two components of the cooling coil , the heater and the humidifier could realize the precise control ; so the energy compensation is decreased largely ; 3 .

  16. 恒温恒湿空调系统是一种工艺性空调,它主要将空气温度、湿度、洁净度及气流速度等控制在一定范围,以满足工业生产、科学研究与文物保存等场所的需要。

    The constant temperature and humidity air-conditioning system belongs to the process air conditioning , which is mainly used to control the indoor parameters , such as the air temperature , relative humidity , cleanliness and so on , in some specific ranges .

  17. 为搭建的恒温恒湿空调系统编写了一套和硬件设备匹配的自动控制软件,经过系统实际运行测试,证明该软件的可靠性高,界面友好,功能较为完善。

    A set of automatic control software platform is compiled , which could match the hardware equipment very well . The system running test has proved the reliability of the software and the interface of the software is friendly with perfect function . 3 .

  18. 基于RS-485总线的高精度恒温恒湿空调测控系统

    Inspecting and Controlling System Based RS-485 Bus in the Air Condition Area of High Precision Constant Temperature and Constant Humidity

  19. 前馈解耦控制器在恒温恒湿空调控制系统中的应用

    Application of feed forward decoupling controller in constant-temperature and constant-humidity air-conditioning system

  20. 包装印刷测试中心恒温恒湿自动控制系统

    Constant Temperature and Humidity Automatic Control System of Packaging and Printing Test Center

  21. 新型恒温恒湿箱测控系统的设计与研究

    New Type of Constant Temperature and Constant Humidity Box Monitoring and Controlling System

  22. 本论文设计了一种基于模拟电路的恒温恒湿变频空调系统。

    In this paper , based on analog circuit , an inverter type air-conditione system is designed .

  23. 精密恒温恒湿空调自控系统数据通讯网络的研制与应用

    The Research and Application of the Data Communication Network in Accurate constant Temperature and Relative Humidity in Air Conditioning Control System

  24. 介绍了恒温恒湿箱测控系统的软硬件设计方法,通过单片机接口电路的合理扩展,使整个硬件系统更简单、可靠。

    The hardware and software design method that measuring and controlling system of constant temperature constant wet box have been introduced .

  25. 此网络已应用于中国航空工业总公司精密机械加工研究所高精度恒温恒湿空调自控系统,实现了该所九个大型空调系统的集中监控。

    The network has been used in accurate constant temperature and relative humidity automatic control system with monitoring and controlling nine large air conditioning systems successfully in China Precision Engineering Institute for Aircraft Industry .

  26. 本文所得相关结论可为果蔬采后保鲜方法的选择及处理参数的确定提供参考,同时对恒温恒湿保鲜冷库系统的优化运行具有现实意义。

    The conclusions obtained can provide references for preservation method selection and treatment parameter determination of postharvest fruits and vegetables , meanwhile , it also has an important significance for cold storage system optimization .

  27. 介绍了某高精度恒温恒湿试验室空调系统冷热源的选择、气流组织、自控系统的设计。

    Describes the selection of cold and heat sources , air distribution , automatic control design of the laboratory .

  28. 另外本文对搭建的恒温恒湿空调的风系统、水系统进行了详细的设计计算和设备选型。

    A detailed design calculations and equipment selections is carried out for air system and water system of the constant temperature and humidity air-conditioning in this text . 2 .