
After the storms the river Ganges was in full spate and thousands feared the possibility of flooding .
Customers can also choose to have it delivered straight to their front doors . Government-run India Post says people can place orders for the water online .
Businessman Subrata Khan says that initially his company filtered the water to make it " crystal clear , " but that led to a dip in sales .
Those who opt for bottles from Rishikesh will pay 15 rupees ( $ 0.22 ) for 200ml , while Gangotri 's water is on sale at 25 rupees for the same size .
I was to wash my moonstone in milk and the waters of the Ganges ( luckily my parents always have some in the refrigerator ) while repeating the Chandra Mantra 108 times .
Small businesses operating close to the river point out they 've been bottling and selling its water locally for years , but admit that the post office 's plan is enormous by comparison .