
  • group of stars
  1. 占星家声称,每个行星和恒星群的位置都会影响我们的情况。

    Astrologers claim that the positions of each planet and star group affect what happens to us .

  2. 一个美丽的螺旋星系,恒星群从明亮核心中扫过。

    A beautiful spiral galaxy with its stars contained in large arms sweeping out from a bright core .

  3. 炽热的蓝白色大质量恒星群遍布整个星系,散布在众多充满尘埃略带红色的恒星诞生区中。

    Hot bluish white clusters of massive stars are scattered throughout the galaxy , interspersed with numerous dustier reddish regions of current star formation .

  4. 当时的太阳处在密集的恒星群中,而引力的推挤可能阻止了这颗行星逃到星际空间。

    Back then , the sun resided in a dense cluster of stars , and the gravitational jostling could have prevented the planet from escaping to interstellar space .

  5. 36岁的卡尔·琼斯天黑后走入斯诺登尼亚国家公园,拍到令人注目的恒星群。这些星星呈直线延伸到空旷的黑色天空的任意一侧。

    Carl Jones , 36 , ventured into Snowdonia National Park after dark and photographed the striking cluster of stars , which stretch in straight lines either side of a dark void .