
  • 网络total amount indicator;total index;GDP;Aggregate Indicators
  1. GDP作为国民经济核算的核心内容总量指标之一,其数据质量受到广泛的关注。

    GDP as one of the aggregate indicators of the core content of national accounts , the quality of its data has received widespread attention .

  2. 配置管理中主要分析企业信息及总量指标分配信息维护、排口信息维护、入网配置维护。

    Configuration management mainly analyzes enterprise information , total index distribution information maintenance , discharge hole information maintenance , access configuration maintenance .

  3. 而最为符合的则是GNP、GDP等总量指标。

    To them , the most suitable indices are GNP , GDP or other sum indices .

  4. 工业总产值是社会总产值的重要内容,是MPS的主要总量指标。

    Gross value of industrial output is the serious content of social total production value , it is the main gross index of MPS .

  5. 由此提出GDP不是最佳的社会生产总量指标,而NDP是比GDP能更好的反映社会生产总量的指标。

    It is said that GDP is not the best index of gross social production and that NDP , is a better index than GDP to reflect the gross social production .

  6. 有的关注于GNP或类似总量指标的增长,有的关注于人们心理的满足,还有的关注于人的各种权利的发展。

    Some focus on the growth of GNP or other gross indices , some focus on the psychological satisfaction , still others focus on the development of people 's entitlement .

  7. 在现状对比部分,文章选取两组代表性的指标,第一组是经济总量指标:包括GDP总量及其增长速度,国土面积和人口总量状况;第二组是人均指标。

    In the part of current macro situation contrast , the paper selects two groups of representative indexes , including the first group of economic gross index , as GDP and its growth rate , land area and population contained , and the second group of per capita index .

  8. 简述国民经济核算中总量指标及其关系

    On the Whole Quantity Targets and Relations of the National Economic Accounting

  9. 可持续发展核算的总量指标研究

    Index ; A Study on Total Amount Indicators of Sustainable Development Accounting

  10. 邻水县主要产品总量指标预测

    Prediction of the general target for the primary products in Linshui County

  11. 总量指标与平均指标指数体系的结合运用

    The Combination and Application of the Gross Index and the Average Index Systems

  12. 森林生态城合理规划范围和森林总量指标的研讨

    Study on Planning of Urban Forest Ecological Construction and Forest Coverage in Zhengzhou City

  13. 物流总量指标的构建与实证分析

    Index to Logistics Gross and its Demonstration

  14. 我们核算了1990-2008年具有国际可比性的中国物质流总量指标。

    We have compiled material flow indicators for China associated with international comparison during the1990 to2008 .

  15. 其核算体系包括总量指标的计算和卫星帐户体系。

    Its accounting system includes the calculation of the total amount index and the satellite accounting system .

  16. 指标体系由总量指标、比例指标、强度指标三部分组成。综合评价指数是在指标体系的基础上建立的。

    This index system is composed of three sections : gross index , proportion index and intensity index .

  17. 本财年就发生了这样的情况,即关键性赤字总量指标不降反升。

    This is what has happened in the current financial year , when key deficit totals grew rather than shrank .

  18. 在选择天然气管道改扩建项目的经济评价方法时,不能仅仅考虑增量指标的结果,必须根据总量指标作进一步分析。

    Not only incremental indicators but also total - quantity indicators need to be considered when selecting the method for economic evaluation .

  19. 这一指标体系应包括基础数据库、宏观总量指标、微观预警指标、风险预期指标和政府承受能力指标。

    This index system should include basic database , macro-variable indexes , micro-warning indexes , expenditure indexes and indexes reflecting governments ' affordability .

  20. 需要补充的是,由于在总量指标分配方法中,必须对污染源对地表水环境的影响进行综合评价。

    Need to add that , the pollution sources to surface water environmental impact evaluation is very important in a capacity total quantity controlled method .

  21. 最后,探讨了环境一资源经济核算帐户的衔接问题,包括对国民核算帐户的调整和对总量指标的调整两方面的内容。

    Thirdly , we discuss the connection of the environmental accounts with SNA , including the adjustment of national accounts and the national accounting indexes .

  22. 具体来说,主要从总量指标、均量指标、相对指标和增量指标来分析煤炭资源消费的变化过程。

    Specifically , the total volume indicators are quantity indicators , relative indicators and incremental indicators to analyze the changes in the consumption of coal resources .

  23. 指计算各种总量指标所采用的扣除了价格变动因素的价格,可进行不同时期总量指标的对比。

    Refers to prices that are used to remove the factors of price change in calculating economic aggregates , so as to facilitate comparison of aggregates over time .

  24. 统计指数模型是利用经济统计的思想,建立起一套水资源可持续开发利用评价指标体系,我们构造的指标体系主要包括三部分内容:总量指标、比例相对指标和强度相对指标。

    The covariance index number model established an index system of Water Resource sustainable using based on the ideology of economical statistics . The relative water content results showed that A.

  25. 北京理工大学的科学政策教授刘云说,中国人才的总量指标上去了,但质量和水平与发达国家相比差距较大。

    Compared with quantity , the quality of talent is a bigger issue for China , said Liu Yun , a professor of science policy with Beijing Institute of Technology .

  26. 生产承载力指标主要由反映经济系统承载能力的指标构成,包括经济总量指标、经济结构指标、经济增长指标和经济效益指标。

    The indexes of economic capacity are mainly the ones reflecting the capacity of economic systems , and include the ones of total economic quantity , economic structure , increase and returns .

  27. 基于这一认识,本文逐一提出并讨论了总量指标、相对指标和平均指标在计算、分析社会经济现象时的运用原则。

    This paper discusses the application principles of aggregate index , relative index and average index one by one , when the three indexes are used to calculate and analyze social and economic phenomena .

  28. 就技术改造与扩建项目经济评价中盈利能力分析、增量指标和总量指标、计算范围和计算期、借款偿还期计算、沉没费用和固定成本费用的处理进行了探讨。

    The paper inquires into criterions for economic evalution of technological transformation and extension project , such as profitability , incremental index , overall index , the date of repayment and fix cost , etc.

  29. 学过统计或者经济知识的人都知道,统计指标按其具体内容、实际作用和表现形式可以分为总量指标、相对指标和平均指标。

    Had learned statistic or the person of economic knowledge knows , statistical index presses his specific content , practical effect and expressional form can be divided for gross index , opposite index and average index .

  30. 旅游相关增加值是衡量旅游企业在经营过程中的新增价值,反映旅游经济影响度的总量指标。

    The added value relating to tourism is a total indicator which is used to measure the new added value created by tourism production departments , which can reflect the economic influence degree to tourism activities .