
  1. 许多乐队都是因为乐手之间性格不合而解散的。

    Many bands break up because of personality clashes between musicians .

  2. 由于性格不合,她和男朋友分手了。

    She 's split up with her boyfriend because of different character s

  3. 他们因性格不合而离婚了。

    They divorced because they were basically incompatible .

  4. 近日,中国大陆女演员黄奕表示,与丈夫姜凯因性格不合结束了不到一年的婚姻生活。

    Chinese actress Huang Yi and her husband Jiang Kai had just ended their less-than-a-year marriage .

  5. 遗憾包括与家人相聚时间太少,夫妻性格不合等。

    These ranged from not spending enough time with their family to having married the wrong person .

  6. 乔伊吃醋,和钱德像小两口一样争吵。钱德发现他和艾迪性格不合,缺乏共同爱好。

    Chandler finds out that he does really have that much in common with Eddie after all .

  7. 她因为和其他人性格不合从那个组织退出了。

    She resigned from the group because of a personality clash with the other people in it .

  8. 这些城市都与他性格不合,他最后又回到南京。

    However , he could not agree with those cities , he went back to Nanjing at last .

  9. 两人间的冲突从最初的性格不合迅速升级,因新同事拒绝将杰夫提出的意见纳入他们共同承担的工作当中。

    What started as a personality clash quickly escalated when the newcomer rejected Jeff 's input into their joint work .

  10. 研究人员让104名年龄各异的成人完成一项关于人生最大遗憾的调查。遗憾包括与家人相聚时间太少,夫妻性格不合等。

    The researchers asked 104 adults of various ages to complete a survey about their greatest regrets . These ranged from not spending enough time with their family to having married the wrong person .

  11. 可能是你和主管性格不合、你和管理层关于工作的理念不同、也可能只是你简单的把事情搞砸了等等,这都是常有的事儿,你并不孤独。

    There could be a personality conflict between yourself and your supervisor . Your idea of what the job was going to be like might differ from what management was thinking . You could have simply screwed up .

  12. 结果:促进孕期不良心理行为发生的因素为中重度早孕反应、孕期渴望丈夫对自己有更多关心爱抚、妊娠期有重体力劳动、女方家务繁重、夫妻性格不合、丈夫对妻子有家庭暴力行为。

    Result : The results showed that some factors , which include moderate and severe morning sick , thirsty for much caring from her husband , heavily physical labor , busy household , inharmonic character and domestic violence , could result in adverse psychology .

  13. 这与他的性格相合[不合]。

    It assorts well [ ill ] with his character .

  14. 一个合格的人来调查个人对国家的不满。这与他的性格相合[不合]。

    A person who is suitably qualified to investigate private grievances against the State . It assorts well [ ill ] with his character .