
xìnɡ bié bǐ
  • sex ratio;gender ratio
  1. 结果湖北省HIV/AIDS病人的男女性别比为137∶1;

    Results The gender ratio of HIV / AIDS in Hubei is 1.37:1 ( male to female );

  2. 出生性别比保持在正常值域是和谐社会的一个重要基础。

    It is an important basis for building a harmonious society to keep birth gender ratio within a normal range .

  3. 结果:(1)三组间年龄、体重、性别比、手术时间比较无显著差异(P>0.05)。

    Results : ( 1 ) Disparities on Age , Weight , Sex Ratio and Surgery Time among groups show no statistical significance ( P0.05 ) .

  4. 胃溃疡、十二指肠溃疡的病理检出男女性别比均大于7.0:1,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The gender ratios of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer were both greater than 7.0:1 with statistical significance ( P0.05 ) .

  5. 但是ICSI出生的男婴性别比降低。

    However , the proportion of boy babies born after ICSI was decreased .

  6. 而哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)教授魏尚进在一次研讨会上称,由于性别比严重失衡,这个趋势可能会一直持续到未来几年。

    And in the coming years , the trend will likely continue as the ratio gets progressively out of balance , said Columbia University professor Shang-Jin Wei recently at a symposium .

  7. 福建省统计局(FujianProvincialBureauofStatistics)普查中心副主任姚美雄接受澎湃新闻(ThePaper)网采访表示,预计到2020年,出生人口性别比(即出生100个女婴对应出生的男婴数)为118.9。

    There are likely to be 118.9 boys born for every 100 girls by 2020 , Yao Meixiong , deputy director of census with the Fujian Provincial Bureau of Statistics , told The Paper website .

  8. 本文主要研究内容包括:1.提出了基于DFS的长三角人口决策支持预测模型和出生性别比合理性模型及老龄化模型等。

    Putting forward population decision supporting model of The Yangtze River delta based on DFS and birth sex ratio rational model and growing population aging model . 2 .

  9. 结果实现无脊灰目标后,临汾市连续3年AFP监测质量主要评价指标均达到目标要求。3年报告AFP病例47例,男女性别比2.62∶1;

    Results Since the goal of poliomyelitis eradication was realized , principle evaluation indexes of AFP monitoring quality in Linfen had addressed the requirements for successively 3 years , during which 47 cases of AFP were reported , with a ratio of male to female of 2.62 ∶ 1 ;

  10. 结果老年SAHS中打鼾、夜间憋醒、夜间尿频、性别比、体质量指数(BMI)及心脑血管、呼吸系统并发症与中青年患者比较有明显区别;

    Results Snoring , oppressive wake , nocturnal frequency of micturition , gender structure , body mass index ( BMI ) and complications of cardio-cerebral-vascular and respiratory system in elderly SAHS patients were significantly different from those in young and middle-age patients .

  11. 因为一阶Rook权重矩阵反映的是直接的物理邻接,而出生人口性别比可能受到邻接区域的影响更大,如重男轻女思想的传播、胎儿性别鉴定技术的扩散等。

    Because 1st order Rook weight indicates the true physical adjacency . Sex ratio of birth may get more influence through adjacent regions , such as the spread of patriarchal ideology , the diffusion of prenatal sex identification technology . 3 .

  12. 1998&2002年中国人口出生性别比

    Sex Ratios at Birth in Chinese Population from 1998 to 2002

  13. 出生性别比升高及其婚姻拥挤测度

    Rise in Sex Ratio at Birth and Measurement of Marriage Squeeze

  14. 选择性生育与我国出生性别比的偏高

    Selective Birth and the Higher Sex Ratio at Birth in China

  15. 出生婴儿性别比偏高原因的系统分析

    Systematic Analysis of Causes for the High Sex Ratio at Birth

  16. 我国人口性别比的时间空间变化

    The Time and Space Change of the Sex Ratio in China

  17. 出生人口性别比失衡的社会因素分析

    Analysis on Social Factors of Unbalanced Gender Ratio of New-born Population

  18. 重庆市人口性别比现状及解决办法

    Consideration of the Present Sex Ratio in Chongqing Municipality and Solutions

  19. 关于治理出生人口性别比问题的思考

    Pondering Over the Control of the Sex Ratio at Birth

  20. 分析了导致湖南省出生性别比问题发生的原因。

    Analysis the reason caused the problem of Hunan birth sex rate .

  21. 低生育水平与出生性别比偏高的后果

    Low Level of Fertility and Consequence of High Sex Ratio at Birth

  22. 结果:研究地区城镇的出生性别比接近正常,农村为125.9,显著高于城镇。

    Results : The SRB closed to normal in town .

  23. 生育文明与出生人口性别比的平衡

    The Balance Between Fertility Civilization and Ratio of Sexual Distinction

  24. 出生人口性别比失调的法制因素探讨

    Legislative Factors in China 's Imbalanced Sex Ratio at Birth

  25. 出生性别比与婚姻挤压问题分析

    The Analysis of Marital Pressure from the Ratio of Sexes

  26. 关于平衡我国性别比的法律思考

    A Legal Reflection on Balancing the Sex Ratio in China

  27. 我国人口性别比失衡的社会原因探析

    The Analysis of Social Causes of Sex Unbalance in China

  28. 略论广西壮族自治区出生性别比失调问题

    Unbalanced Sex Ratio at Birth in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

  29. 新疆出生人口性别比变化的相对稳定性研究

    A Research on the Relative Stability of Xinjiang 's Sexual Birth Rate

  30. 内蒙古某农村地区的出生性别比及其影响因素

    Sex ratios of birth and its effective causes in a rural area