
sī xiǎnɡ shǐ
  • intellectual history
  1. 康德哲学是人类思想史上的一座丰碑。

    Kant philosophy is a monument in the intellectual history of humankind .

  2. 老子《道德经》是中国古代思想史上的一座丰碑。

    " The moral " is a monument of ancient intellectual history .

  3. 思想史视野中的DNA双螺旋发现

    Discovery of Double DNA Helix from the View of History of Thinking

  4. 儒家文化究竟对中国古代科技产生了怎样的影响,自五四以来,这就是中国思想史、科技史、社会史共同面临但又悬而未决的问题。

    How did Confucianism influence science and technology in ancient China ?

  5. 政体与法治:一个思想史的检讨

    Polity and Rule of Law : A Historical Review of Ideas

  6. 当代民粹主义思潮的流变&《当代思想史》片断论鲁迅改造国民性思想的主旋律

    On the Theme of Lu Xun 's Thought of Remolding Nationalism

  7. 西方科学思想史哲学建构的成功范例&柯瓦雷的哲学化科学思想史研究

    An Example of Philosophical Construction of Western History of Scientific Thought

  8. 对两种思想史研究的考察&史华慈与葛瑞汉先秦思想史研究比较

    A Reflection on Two Kinds of Investigations of History of Thought

  9. 经济法思想史对中国经济法治建设的启示

    Enlightenments of economic law idea history to current economics rule by law

  10. 论中国现代喜剧思想史上的主观论取向

    On Subjectivism in the Ideological History od Modern Chinese Comedy

  11. 本文属于中国美学思想史研究。

    The paper aims at exploring Chinese historical aesthetic thoughts .

  12. 关于社会思想史若干基本问题的探讨

    On Some Basic Questions on the History of Social Idea

  13. 中国思想史中身体观研究的新视野

    New Horizon in Study of Body View in History of Chinese Thougths

  14. 政治哲学思想史就是一部人类社会史。

    The history of political thought is the history of human society .

  15. 中国近现代国防思想史研究

    Study on National Defence Thought in Modern Times of China

  16. 罗近溪的经典诠释及其思想史意义&就克己复礼的诠释而谈

    The Classics Interpretation of Luo Jinxi and Its Significance in Ideological History

  17. 中国思想史研究的新探索

    Study of China 's Ideology History : A New Perspective

  18. 这个思想史的问题至今仍未结束。

    This is still a pending question in the history of ideology .

  19. 对人类思想史作出了根本性的贡献。

    They have made the basic contributions to human thought .

  20. 中国政治思想史文化体系

    The Cultural System of the History of Chinese Political Idea

  21. 马克思主义产主是人类思想史上空前的革命

    Emergence of Marxism is an Unprecedented Revolution in the History of Human Ideology

  22. 可持续发展思想史述评

    Narration and Appraisement of the Thought of Sustainable Development

  23. 近代中国新名词的思想史意义发微&兼谈对于一般思想史之认识

    New Terms and Their Ideological Significance in Modern China

  24. 在西方思想史中,对人与自然关系的探讨一直都没有停止过。

    Discussion about relationship between man and nature never stopped during western history .

  25. 哈曼的伦敦之行及其思想史意义

    Haman 's Journey to London and Its Significance in the History of Thoughts

  26. 试论科学思想史与哲学的关系

    On Relation of Scientific Through History and Philosophy

  27. 他是论欧洲思想史的书的作者。

    He 's the author of a book on the history of European thought .

  28. 宋代欧阳修的正统论在中国史学思想史上占有重要地位。

    Ouyang Xiu 's orthodox theory is very important in the history of historical thoughts .

  29. 这一学术策略所具有的划时代的意义在随后的思想史进程中彰显无遗。

    The academic strategy has the epoch-making significance in the subsequent process of ideas history .

  30. 李文森是20世纪50&60年代美国中国现代思想史研究的大师。

    Levenson is a great master of modern Chinese thought history in U.S.A during 1960s .