
  1. 使独立学院学生对自己的社会竞争力及前途充满困惑和惶恐,增大了独立学院学生的自我怀疑感。

    The confusion and fear that those Independent college students have about their competitiveness and future lead to the increase of self-doubt .

  2. 创新意识包括有三个要素:一是创新品质,如好奇心、求知欲、怀疑感和批判精神;

    Innovating consciousness contains three kinds of essential factors . One is innovating quality , such as curiosity , desire of seeking knowledge , ability of suspicion and criticizing spirit .

  3. 情感因素,诸如好奇心、怀疑感、自信感、幸福感、美丽优雅感等等在科学探索中扮演着至关重要的角色,起着不可忽视的认知作用。

    Affection factors , such as curiosity , suspicion , confidence , happiness , elegance play a vital part in science discovery , that is , plays an un-neglected cognitive role .

  4. 从总体上看,父母教养自我效能感的提升以学习与生活支持效能感和自我怀疑效能感最为显著。

    Generally speaking , the difference lied in perceived studying and living support efficacy , perceived self-doubt efficacy .

  5. 男、女同性恋者通常带给人们比较正面的印象,可还是有许多人以根深蒂固的否定、怀疑和恐惧感看待他们。

    Gays and lesbians generally stir more positive stereotypical images , but still many regard them with deeply rooted feelings of disapproval , suspicion and fear .

  6. 产生怀疑的不安全感本身就要给这种保证打折扣。

    The very insecurity that engenders the suspicion discounts the value of the assurance .

  7. “富裕病”是拥有或追求财富所带来的负面的心理或行为影响,比如不负责任的行为和自我怀疑及负罪感。

    It is the negative psychological or behavioral effects of having or pursuing wealth , as irresponsible acts and feelings of self-doubt or guilt5 .

  8. 当你无所作为时,怀疑和不安全感会如蚊子一般滋生。

    When you 're stagnant , doubt and insecurities breed like mosquitoes .

  9. 但是也要记住,自我怀疑和不安全感等情绪上的波动是完全正常的。

    But also know that feeling waves of self-doubt and insecurity are totally normal .