
  • 网络King Huai;criticism
  1. 但迫于以子兰为首的贵族们排斥屈原,怀王只好将他削职放逐。

    However , he was opposed by aristocrats headed by Zi Lan , and later deposed and exiled by King Huai .

  2. 定州汉墓竹简《论语》1973年出土于西汉中山怀王刘修墓中,1997年由文物出版社正式出版公布。

    The Han bamboo-slip Analects of Dingzhou was excavated from the tomb of Liu Xiu , the King Huai of Zhongshan in 1973 , and it was publicized and issued by Cultural Relic Publishing House in 1997 .