
  1. 他的头一部小说是以怀念母亲为动力而写成的。

    His first novel was inspired by the memory of his mother .

  2. 深深怀念母亲洞,他倒蛮孝顺的。

    I miss my mom " holes ", he 's a filial son .

  3. 今夜,我把一首怀念母亲的诗歌附在后面,暂时结束对一尊丰碑的仰望。

    Tonight , I attach a poem in remembrance of mother behind ; temporarily end looking up at a monument .

  4. 你怀念你母亲做的家常菜吗?

    Do you miss eating your mother 's home-cooked meals ?

  5. 他最好的乐曲创作灵感来自怀念他的母亲。

    Eg. his best music was inspired by the memory of his mother .

  6. 让我可以好好怀念我真正的母亲再见埃琳娜

    It keeps the memory of my real mother perfectly intact.Good-bye , Elena .