
  • 网络shoe size
  1. 你怎么能不知道自打你开始追捕我你知道我的鞋码知道我几点起床

    How could you not know ? When you were chasing me , you knew my shoe size , what time I woke up in the morning .

  2. 好吧泰迪姐鞋码多大

    So what 's Teddy 's shoe size ?

  3. 亚马逊(Amazon)旗下在线鞋类商城Zappos鼓励购买者同时预订两种或两种以上鞋码,并提供免费退货服务,以打消顾客没有试穿不敢购买的心理。

    Zappos , an online shoe-seller owned by Amazon , encourages shoppers to order two or more different sizes , which they can return for free , in an effort to overcome customer reluctance to buy without trying .

  4. 一个穿着帽衫的人,鞋码十号半

    someone in a hoodie , size 10 1 / 2 boot ,

  5. 说来好笑她和我弟弟鞋码一样

    Funny story ... she and my brother have the same size feet .

  6. 你连她鞋码都不知道

    You don 't know her shoe size ?

  7. 只让我们知道他的鞋码、身高、步法和步速。

    Except his shoe size , his height , his gait , his walking pace .

  8. 攀岩者倾向选择比正常尺码小一点的鞋码。

    Climbers tend to wear shoes a couple sizes smaller than their normal shoe size .

  9. 鞋码比平均数略小

    Shoe size , slightly above average .

  10. 那人却说道:“我宁肯相信鞋码,也不相信自己的脚。”

    The man answered ," I would rather trust the measurement than my own feet . "

  11. 女王的鞋码从未正式公布过,但一般认为是英码2.5码-3码左右。

    Her shoe size has never been officially revealed , but is believed to be a two-and-a-half to three . THE CORONATION DRESS

  12. 并建议小童、中童、大童鞋的划分标准以年龄为依据,而不应以鞋码大小为依据。

    The author also suggested that small , medium and big shoes for children be classified based on ages instead of shoe sizes .

  13. 他知道,要想得到一双最合脚的鞋子,就必须精确地测量自己的鞋码。

    He knew that in order to get shoes that would fit perfectly it would be necessary to measure his shoe size with precision .

  14. 数年前,当我在一个慈善活动上演讲,组织者在大会前打电话给我问我的鞋码。

    Years ago , when I was speaking at a charity event , the organizers called me prior to the conference and asked my shoe size .

  15. 首先,你需要走到距离电脑10英尺(约合3.0米)处——Opternative会借助信用卡和你自己的鞋码指导你准确把握这一距离。

    You start by stepping 10 feet away from your computer - which Opternative calibrates and walks you through using a credit card and your own shoe size .

  16. 韦纳说:我们还听过‘我妈让我来试鞋码,这样她可以在网上买’这种话。

    We also hear ' My mother sent me in to get my size fitted so she can buy them online ' . Those exact words , he said .

  17. 这只脚上穿着Adidas男式运动鞋,码数是10。

    In Adidas black man 's shoe , size 10 .

  18. 根据宽度和深度,应该是男士鞋10码

    From the depth and width , could be a man 's size 10 ,

  19. 她象仙女,活泼轻盈。她穿的鞋九码大。吃完了的干鱼盒子,克莱门泰当鞋穿。

    Light she was and like a fairy . And her shoes were number nine . Herring boxes without topses sandals were for Clementine .

  20. 京晶:买鞋用欧码,知道了。

    Go by European sizes for shoes - got it .

  21. 三双运动鞋的鞋码是7号,3号半,还有儿童11号。

    Sneakers are size 7,3 and a half , and a boy 's 11 .

  22. 就像很多人一样,她也很难找到合脚的鞋:她的鞋码在与9之间,通常成鞋穿起来在脚趾处都比较紧。

    Like many people , she is hard to fit : her shoe size is between and9 , and ready-made shoes are often too tight in the toe .

  23. 他们穿的鞋,看起来都是一个鞋码的

    The shoes , it looks like they 're all the same size .