
  • 网络Rapid application development;rapid application develop;rAd
  1. 不像过去的快速应用开发方法,IBMRationalRapidDeveloper给架构师和高级开发人员大量的应用开发上的控制。

    Unlike RAD approaches of the past , IBM Rational Rapid Developer provides architects and senior developers with a great deal of control over application development .

  2. 前两篇文章专注于使用SpringRoo的快速应用开发环境构建Web应用程序。

    The first two articles focused on building web applications using Spring Roo 's rapid application development environment .

  3. 基于BPM的快速应用开发平台的设计

    Design of a BPM-Based Fast Application Development Platform

  4. PowerBuilder作为一种可视化的、面向对象的快速应用开发(RAD)工具。

    PowerBuilder is a tool of visual and object-oriented RAD .

  5. Roo给快速应用开发带来了所有这些特性。

    Roo brings these to rapid application development .

  6. Grails旨在解决那些关注点,并证明快速应用开发(RAD)对企业是可行的。

    Grails aims to address those concerns and legitimize rapid application development ( RAD ) for the enterprise .

  7. InfoSphereMashupHub客户端是基于浏览器的集成开发环境(IDE),提供了构建Feeds和FeedMashup的快速应用开发环境。

    The InfoSphere MashupHub client is a browser-based Integrated Development Environment ( IDE ) that provides a Rapid Application Developer environment for building feeds and feed mashups .

  8. 新的方法被称为“基于架构的快速应用开发(architectedRAD)”,并且提供了多种在应用开发之上的加速器和控制。

    The new approach is called " architected RAD ," and it provides a variety of accelerators and controls over development of applications .

  9. 分析了为达到新版货币网的各种需求,新版货币网采用的核心技术,包括CMS系统,PAI快速应用开发框架,Spring,Struts,Quartz和Ant技术的简要介绍。

    Briefly introduce the core technologies used in the new version of China Money Website to reach all the requirements , including CMS , PAI rapid application development framework , Struts , quartz and ant technology . 3 .

  10. 未来一段时间的重点将放在填平传统的MDD方法/工具与新涌现的DSL之间的沟壑上,使快速应用开发成为可能。

    The primary focus for the near future will likely be the bridging of the gaps that exist between traditional MDD approaches / tooling and the emerging DSL 's for rapid application development .

  11. 缺乏有效的能够支持快速应用开发的集成环境。

    Lack of an IDE for effective rapid application development ( RAD ) .

  12. 面向架构的快速应用开发:维护设计和商标的一致性

    Architected RAD : Maintaining design and branding consistency

  13. 基于MVC模式的快速Web应用开发平台的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Rapid Web Application Platform Based on MVC Pattern

  14. 最后,今天在Internet上已经广泛流行的协作机制对使用此模型进行快速应用程序开发起到了促进作用。

    Last , the collaborative mechanisms that are already popular on the Internet today serve to facilitate faster application development using this model .

  15. VISUALFOXPRO快速应用系统开发

    Rapid Application System Developing of Visual Foxpro

  16. RubyonRails(ROR)是一个基于Ruby的用于快速Web应用开发的开源框架。

    Ruby on Rails ( ROR ) is a Ruby-based open-source framework for rapid Web application development .

  17. RationalRapidDeveloper中快速应用程序开发、可视化建模以及自动构建技术的合并使得今天RationalRapidDeveloper对于许多开发团队来说,是一个理想的开发平台。

    The merging of RAD techniques , visual modeling , and automated construction in Rational Rapid Developer makes it an ideal platform for many development teams today .

  18. 面向CSCW的快速应用程序开发系统的设计

    Design of CSCW-oriented Rapid Application Development System

  19. 本文的主要工作如下:1、综述了快速应用程序开发RAD与软件工厂的基本思想和方法,并论证了RAD、软件工厂与Wizard三者之间的隶属关系;

    Basic ideas of rapid application development ( RAD ) and software factory are surveyed ;

  20. Delphi是一种快速应用程序开发工具并且能够实现对数据库的高效连接和对数据库的底层连接隐藏,因此采用它大大节省了系统编码时间和系统开发效率,同时也保障了数据安全。

    Delphi uses program development tools rapidly and realizes the high effective connection hiding and connected at the bottom to the data base .

  21. Jython适用于嵌入式脚本编写、交互式实验和快速应用程序开发。

    Jython is fit for embedded scripting , interactive experimentation , and rapid application development .

  22. Akshell是一种云服务,它使用服务端的JavaScript和在线的IDE帮助开发者进行快速应用程序开发。

    Akshell is a Cloud Service that helps developers do Rapid Application Development using server-side JavaScript and an online IDE .

  23. 所以我们求助于快速应用程序开发(RAD)工具,它们能够使得具备最少的或者没有J2EE开发经验的开发者也能够成为高生产率的――这就是RationalRapidDeveloper。

    So we turned to a RAD ( rapid application development ) tool that would enable developers with minimal or no J2EE development experience to be productive & and that was Rational Rapid Developer .

  24. 快速应用程序开发和编程:集成开发环境(IDE)、信息框(infobox)和重新设计的模板

    Rapid application development and programmability as a result of an integrated development environment ( IDE ), infoboxes , and redesigned templates

  25. 他们的复杂性涉及到从快速应用程序开发包到完整的端到端解决方案的场景。

    They range in complexity from rapid development packages to complete end-to-end scenarios .

  26. 首先,它促进快速应用程序开发。

    First , it facilitates rapid application development .

  27. 概述了快速应用系统开发与集成支撑系统的基本功能和特点。

    The basic functions and characteristics of Radiss V2.0 ( Rapid Application Development Integration Support System ) are summarized .

  28. 使用符合快速应用程序开发理念的代码级模式、模板和模型转换方法,可以使实现加速。

    Implementation can be accelerated using code-level patterns , templates , and model-transformation methods following a rapid application development paradigm .

  29. 客户程序员的目标:选择一个由不同类构成的工具箱,用来进行快速应用程序开发。

    The goal of the client programmer : to collect a toolbox full of classes to use for rapid application development .

  30. 我一直是基于快速应用程序开发和基于模型应用程序开发的支持者,因为它们两个都有非常显著的优点。

    I 've long been a proponent of both the RAD-based approach as well as model-based application development , because both offer significant benefits .