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zhì shì
  • person of ideals and integrity;honest patriot
志士 [zhì shì]
  • [person of ideals and integrity] 有远大志向和高尚节操的人

  • 爱国志士

志士[zhì shì]
  1. 宋育仁是一位杰出的维新志士。

    Song Yuren was an outstanding person of ideals and integrity on reform .

  2. 化学史教育是一个古老而又年轻的教育话题,很久以来,世界各国的教育志士对科学史教育的呼吁和探索从不曾停止。

    Chemistry history education is an old and young educational topic . This many a day , educational person of ideals and integrity has lots of appeal and exploration in the world .

  3. 爱国志士们打出了自由的旗帜。

    The patriots unfurled the banner of freedom .

  4. 我在坎贝尔堡见到了这些爱国的美国志士。

    I met some of these patriotic Americans at Fort Campbell .

  5. 在过去的岁月中许多革命志士为祖国献出了生命。

    The revolutionaries sacrificed themselves to our country during the past years .

  6. 朝鲜独立志士也把斗争舞台移到海外。

    Independent person of ideals and integrities too struggling Korea stage move .

  7. 多少先辈志士,无畏抒壮举,青史留功绩。

    The number of ancestors patriots , fearless express feat legacy remain merit .

  8. 又有若干爱国志士,与祖国同甘苦共命运。

    How many patriots , stand by a common fate with the motherland .

  9. 武昌起义使很多热血志士首次经受革命的洗礼。

    Many revolutionary devotees were blooded in Wuchang Uprise .

  10. 因此,在集安地区亦留下了先烈、志士们的斗争足迹。

    Therefore , in the region also left martyrs themselves to the struggle footprints .

  11. 她是热忱的爱国志士。

    She is an ardent patriot .

  12. 他是个热忱的爱国志士。

    He is an ardent patriot .

  13. 中国往何处去?这成为爱国志士们不得不认真思考和回答的问题。

    The possible future of China became a problem which the patriots had to seriously consider .

  14. 当时一些爱国志士甚至建议美国应当采用希伯来文或希腊文。

    At that time some patriots even suggested that the Americans should adopt Hebrew or Greek !

  15. 爱国乃文明志士的第一美德。&拿破仑

    The love of country is the first virtue in a civilized man . & Nathan Hale

  16. 将捐弃党派教条并领导全国走上复兴之路的爱国志士联盟。

    A coalition of patriots that would set aside party dogma and lead the nation towards recovery .

  17. 在九百六十万平方公里的国土上,不求成为名人志士,只求一片属于自己的安身之所;

    China nine hundred and sixty square kilometers of land , not famous virtue , but everywhere ;

  18. 那天晚上美国一些爱国志士登上这些船,把茶叶都扔进海里。

    That night many patriotic Americans went onto the ships and threw all the tea into the sea .

  19. 自由之树,必须经常用爱国志士和暴君的鲜血来浇灌。

    The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants .

  20. 张际亮为清朝嘉道诗坛上的爱国诗人,其一生思想复杂,经历了学人时期,狂士时期,志士时期3个阶段。

    As a patriotic poet of Qing dynasty , ZHANG Ji-liang 's thoughts experienced three periods , that is scholar period ;

  21. 看到有这么多中国的水墨画和书法界的名家志士相聚在新德里我感到尤其高兴。

    And it is especially pleasant to see so many renowned Chinese painting and calligraphy masters gathered here in New Delhi .

  22. 我们的国家对此时此刻正在为我们而冒生命危险的英勇男女志士表示感谢。

    Our nation is grateful to the brave men and women who are taking risks on our behalf at this hour .

  23. 男女志士们,为正义而战的普通斗士们,这座纪念碑也属于你们。

    To those men and women , to those foot soldiers for justice , know that this monument is yours , as well .

  24. 如果一种文化的上层志士们主观捧斥其他文化,社会就难以得到真正的发展。

    If a culture of the subjective holding denounce upper person of other cultures , society is hard to get the real development .

  25. 王充发现不是他一个人命运如此,社会上许多能人志士都不能得尝所愿。

    Wang found that a person is not his destiny so many capable people with lofty ideals of society can not be heeded too .

  26. 这位爱国志士即将出庭作证,此人的立场和态度确属崇高伟大。

    That , this patriot would be produced before them . That , his position and attitude were , on the whole , sublime .

  27. 真诚希望与行业内的各方志士携手合作,共创中国口腔事业的美好明天!

    The company sincerely hopes to cooperate with friends of the same trade and create a better future for China 's oral health services .

  28. 政府将为培训和招聘辅导员提供支持,但满足这一需求要靠美国的男女志士。

    Government will support the training and recruiting of mentors ; yet it is the men and women of America who will fill the need .

  29. 因此,衷心希望该研究能够对有着相同兴趣的同仁志士们有所帮助和启示。

    Therefore , it is sincerely expected that the research is of great help and inspiration to those who have the same concerns and interests .

  30. 回忆的神秘琴弦,在整个这片辽阔的土地上,从每一个战场,每一个爱国志士的坟墓,延伸到每一颗跳动的心和每一个家庭,

    The mystic chords of memory , stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land ,