
  1. 迪士尼电影《心灵奇旅》将不再在影院首映。

    Disney 's " Soul " will no longer debut in theaters .

  2. 《心灵奇旅》的撤档对于影院又是一个打击。

    The movement of " Soul " from the calendar is yet another blow to movie theaters .

  3. 该片将于12月25日在美国和加拿大上映,明年1月1日在英国和西班牙上映。《心灵奇旅》

    Released in cinemas on 25 Dec in the US and Canada , and on 1 Jan in the UK and Spain .

  4. 如今,《心灵奇旅》想象我们的性格是在一个卡通的夏令营产生的,那里有欢乐的小球和线条聚集在一起,形成人类灵魂。

    Now , Soul imagines how our personalities are created at a cartoony summer camp , where smiley blobs and squiggles convene to generate human souls .

  5. 相对于皮克斯最近大火片的续集影片来说,《心灵奇旅》的主题更加崇高,故事虽然乱糟糟的,但意境宏大,对得起制片人抱有的雄心壮志。

    Compared to Pixar 's recent spate of sequels to past hits , Soul is a loftier project - a messy but expansive story worthy of its director 's grand ambitions .

  6. 《心灵奇旅》是第一部主角为非裔美国人的皮克斯动画电影,杰米·福克斯在本片中为一名梦想在纽约成为爵士乐钢琴家的音乐老师配音。

    In the first Pixar cartoon to have an African-American lead character , Jamie Foxx provides the voice of a music teacher who dreams of making it as a jazz pianist in New York .

  7. 和迪士尼公司的《花木兰》不同,《心灵奇旅》对于流媒体平台Disney+用户是免费的,将以传统点播方式播出。《花木兰》则是在九月份跳过院线在Disney+开放(付费)点播。

    Unlike Disney 's " Mulan , " which skipped theaters to go to Disney + in September , it appears that " Soul " will be free as part of the traditional streaming on-demand service .

  8. 《心灵奇旅》于12月25日在Disney+首映,是他目前最具有概念性的电影,主要是以一个“生之来处”的世界为背景,这里云雾缭绕,人类的性格在此创造出来,出生时便伴随我们。

    Soul , which debuts today on Disney + , is his most conceptual film yet , largely set in a realm known as " the Great Before , " a cloudy land where human personalities are created and zapped into our bodies upon birth .