
  • 网络De Haan;Foppe de Haan;Durham;Rotherham
  1. 在荷兰南部,德汉的荷兰U21国家队书写了新的历史。

    In the north of Holland , it 's Foppe de Haan re-writing football history with the U21 team .

  2. 本文介绍基于德语单词的词性自动识别和综合德语题录的结构类型的德汉题录机器翻译系统TJTITR。

    TJTITR German-Chinese Title Translation System is based on automatic recognition of the features of a word and the synthesis of structure patterns of a German title .

  3. 基于动词配价的德汉译文转换生成的研究

    A study of generating translated text based on verbal - valent

  4. 用说明模板改进基于配价的德汉机器翻译

    Improve the Quality of Machine Translation by Using Fall-information Pattern

  5. 谈德汉翻译中的等值

    On Equivalence in Translation from German to Chinese

  6. 基于规则的德汉机器翻译词法分析算法

    A Lexical Analyzer for Germany-Chinese Machine Translation System

  7. 希拉里·克林顿的娘家姓氏是罗德汉。

    Hillary Clinton nee Rodham .

  8. 在翻译方面就德汉两种情态动词进行了比较。

    A comparison is made between the German modal verbs and the Chinese ones with regard to the technique of translation .

  9. 翻译等值,即内容等值,文体学等值和篇章类型等值,是德汉翻译的基本准则。

    Equivalence in translation , i.e. equivalence in content , equivalence in stylistics , equivalence in context , is the basic criterion of translation from German to Chinese .

  10. 比较了德汉科技文献的主要差异,并就科技翻译者普遍感到困难的德语被动语态和长句的翻译技巧进行了详细讨论。

    This paper compares the main differences between German and Chinese sci-tech literatures , and discusses in detail on the translation skills of passive voice and long sentence which makes the sci-tech translators generally feel difficult .