
  • 网络Texaco gasifier
  1. 德士古气化炉废锅结渣原因分析与探讨改良SBR工艺处理德士古煤气化废水

    Reasons for slagging of WHB of Texaco gasifier Texaco coal gasification wastewater treatment with modified SBR process

  2. 本文从流体力学基本守恒方程出发,标准的k-ε湍流双微分方程模型模拟湍流流动,用用SIMPLE算法求解偏微分方程,对双流股平行射流德士古气化炉冷态流场进行了数值模拟计算。

    Numerical study of cold flow-field in a Texaco gasifier with parallel twin jet flow is presented . The Navier-Stockes equations incorporating a standard k - ε turbulence two-equation model were solved using SIMPLE algorithm .

  3. 德士古气化炉冷态停留时间分布测试(II)

    Measurement of Residence Time Distribution ( KTD ) in Cold Texaco Gasifier ( II )

  4. V型布风板流化床煤气化试验研究及工业应用德士古气化炉内煤气化过程的数值研究

    Experimental study on coal gasification in a V-type distributor fluidized bed gasifier and its industrial application

  5. 美国堪萨斯州ElDorado炼油厂德士古气化炉采用低值进料的操作经验

    Operating Experience with Low-Value Feedstocks for Texaco Gasifier at the El Dorado Refinery in Kansas , USA

  6. 德士古气化炉炉温软测量建模及其工程实现软测量也称为软仪表技术,采用主元分析和RBF神经网络相结合的融合模型构成火灾模拟实验炉温软测量。

    Soft sensor is also called soft measurement . Temperature soft sensor of fire simulated experiment furnace is constructed based on a data fusion model with a method combining principal component analysis and RBF neural network .

  7. 德士古气化炉冷态流场测试

    Measurement of Flow-Field for Cold - Flow Model on Texaco Gasifier

  8. 德士古气化炉带水原因分析和处理

    Water Entrainment Cause Analysis and Its Disposal of the Texico Gasifier

  9. 德士古气化炉的提温操作德士古煤气化装置运行问题探讨

    Approach to Problems in Design of Texaco Coal Gasification Unit

  10. 冷态德士古气化炉流场与停留时间分布的研究

    Study on cold flow field and residence time distribution of Texaco Gasifier

  11. 德士古气化炉安全联锁的改进

    Improvement in Safety Interlock System of Texaco Gasifier

  12. 测定了德士古气化炉的冷态速度分布和停留时间分布。

    The velocity profile and residence time distribution in cold model of Texacogasifier were measured .

  13. 德士古气化炉气化过程剖析(Ⅱ)&冷态速度分布测试

    Gasification process Analysis of the Texaco Gasifier (ⅱ)── Test and Measurement of Cold Model Gasifier Velocity Profile

  14. 结果表明:德士古气化炉内在轴向2.5~3.0倍直径范围内存在回流,最大回流量为射流量的3.5倍左右;

    The results showed that recirculation occurred in a region with 2.5 3 times of gasifier diameter in axial length ;

  15. 四喷嘴气化炉控制系统与德士古气化炉相比,规模更大,要求更高。

    Opposed four-nozzles gasifier control system and the Texaco gasifier compare , the scale is bigger , the request is higher .

  16. 针对德士古气化炉在高负荷生产情况下出现的带水现象,进行了全面的分析,并提出相应的处理方法。

    In allusion to water entrainment phenomenon occurred under high load production of the gasifier , which is comprehensively analyzed , and the appropriate disposal methods are presented .

  17. 德士古水煤浆气化炉铁-镍基合金应用的理论探讨

    Theoretical discussion on Fe-Ni BASE ALLOY applied in Texaco Coal Slurry Gasifier

  18. 德士古水煤浆气化炉耐火衬里介绍

    Brief Introduction of the Refractory Liner Used in Texaco Gasifier with Coal Slurry as the Feedstock

  19. 德士古激冷式气化炉反应气偏流的危害分析处理

    Analysis and Treatment on the Harm Created by Deflective Flow of Gas in Quench Chamber of Texaco Gasifier

  20. 本文在国内现有的及正在建设的德士古水煤浆气化炉的基础上,对水煤浆气化炉容器外壳材质的选择进行简要的分析。

    This article analyzes the methods to select the vessel material of TEXACO Coal & Water Slurry Grassfire based on the practice of using domestic Grassfires in production and in construction .

  21. 介绍了上海焦化总厂德士古水煤浆气化炉与配套的20万t/a甲醇装置试运行过程,讨论了试车过程中暴露的若干问题及解决的方法。

    Trial run is described of the Texaco coal water slurry gasifier in a 20 000t / a methanol plant at Shanghai Coking Works , several problems exposed during the trial run are discussed , and their solution is presented .

  22. 本装置利用德士古水煤浆气化炉的生产能力,在保证城市煤气的足量供应的同时,采用低压法合成路线(5.0MPa)生产高质量的甲醇。

    The title installation , utilizing Texaco aquatic coal paste gasifier 's productivity , while ensuring the full supply of city gas , high quality methanol has been produced with a low pressure ( 5 . 0 MPa ) synthetic route .