
  • 网络german vocational education
  1. 制度因素对德国职业教育的制约作用

    The Restrictions from the System Factors on German Vocational Education

  2. 从艺术设计角度看德国职业教育模式

    Investigation into German Vocational Education Model from the Perspective of Art Design

  3. 文章介绍了德国职业教育中的双元半制。

    The article introduces Germany professional education , especially semi-two-training system .

  4. 模块化:德国职业教育的改革与争论

    Modularization : Reform and Debate of Vocational Education in Germany

  5. 基于德国职业教育行动导向的教学组织的研究

    Research on Action-Oriented Teaching Organizing Based on Germany Vocational Education

  6. 德国职业教育教师培养的历史和现状

    The History and the Current Situation of Teachers'Training for Vocational Education in Germany

  7. 德国职业教育学习领域课程理论及其对我国的启示

    Study Field Curriculum Theory of German Vocational Education and Its Enlightenments to China

  8. 职业认同是德国职业教育心理学研究的一个重要领域。

    Vocational identity is an important field in the German vocational education psychology .

  9. 中学教师职业心理德国职业教育的特点

    The Middle School Teacher 's Vocational Mentality Characteristics of Vocational Education in Germany

  10. 德国职业教育的成功经验及启示

    The Successful Experience and Revelation of German Vocational Education

  11. 从联邦德国职业教育立法引发的思考

    Thinking Aroused from the German Legislation in Vocational Education

  12. 德国职业教育经费的主要来源

    Main Source of Vocational Education Funds in Germany

  13. 这是德国职业教育成功经验为我们提供的基本思路。

    These are the basic ideas from the successful experience of the Germany vocational education .

  14. 媒体在德国职业教育行动导向教学过程中的应用研究

    Research on the Media Applications in the Action Learning Process of Germany 's Vocational Education

  15. 借鉴德国职业教育先进经验大力发展我国高等职业教育

    Using the Advanced Experience of German Vocational Education for Reference to Develop Our Higher Vocational Education

  16. 德国职业教育的特点

    Characteristics of Vocational Education in Germany

  17. 德国职业教育领域职业认同的研究现状及培养策略

    The Status of the Vocational Identity Research and the Training Strategy in the German Vocational Education

  18. 对德国职业教育的现实思考&从赴德学生实习培训谈起

    Thinking on German Vocational Education

  19. 要借鉴德国职业教育成功经验,单单凭借制度的抄袭是完全行不通的。

    To learn from the successful experience of the Germany vocational education , the simple system plagiarism is totally impracticable .

  20. 双元制课程模式是德国职业教育的主体和核心,在教学方面、课程方面都有其独到的特色。

    The dual constitution of curriculum , the core and main body of German vocational education , plays a peculiar role in teaching and curriculum .

  21. 德国职业教育成功的原因在于,德国的教育体制严谨,法律完善,人们做事以法律为准则,教育监督部门能够真正起到监督的作用。

    The success of vocational education in Germany should attribute to its precise education system , perfect legal system and the functional education supervising department .

  22. 德国职业教育中的四步教学法和行为导向教学法,目前已在我国职业技术院校教学中得到一定程度的应用。

    Nowadays , the four-step and behavior-oriented teaching method in German vocational education have applied in the teaching of vocational schools in China in some degree .

  23. 上世纪末德国职业教育所实施的学习领域课程改革就是顺应这种要求。

    It is the curriculum reform of learning fields carried out in vocational education since the end of the last century in Germany that meets the needs .

  24. 从德国职业教育师资培养过程和知识结构的分析入手,剖析我国职业教育师资存在的问题,进而借鉴德国先进、科学的做法,提出符合我国国情的职业教育师资培训措施。

    To figure out problems of vocational education teachers in our country , the paper starts from analyzing teachers training procedure and knowledge structure in Germany to come up with measures accorded with our condition drawing on experiences of Germany .

  25. 德国青年职业教育与社会稳定

    The professional education of youth and the social stability in Germany

  26. 德国的职业教育堪称世界职业教育的一个典范。

    German vocational education is a model in the world .

  27. 德国职业继续教育发展对我国的启示

    Enlightenment and Experience : the Development of German Vocational and Continuing Education

  28. 德国联邦职业教育的行政管理机构

    The federal administration organs of vocational education in germany

  29. 德国高等职业教育探讨与研究

    The Research on the Higher Vocational Education in German

  30. 德国高等职业教育课程设置分析及其启示

    Analyzing the curriculum Provision of Higher vocational Education in German and its Inspirations