- spindling;excessive growth;excessive growth of branches and leaves

[spindling;excessive growth of branches and leaves] 植物只长茎杆而不长花或果实的情况
After spraying PP333 on the leaves of new shoots greenhouse grape , the effective period of controlling spindling was only23d or so .
The two regulators in a certain range of concentrations can promote α - naphthamine oxidizing ability , ATP level and the absorpting of mineral nutrients of root . These factors are the physiological bases for young seedling spindling control and sound seedling cultivation .
The enzymes that closely related with IAA catabolism IAA oxidase , IAA peroxidase , POD activity leggy one showed a significantly lower than the normal seedlings .
The results showed that compare with normal seedlings , IAA , GA3 and ZT content of leggy seedlings were increased , ABA content decreased .
Leggy seedlings ' endogenous hormones which promotion cell elongation and division increased , while the enzymes that IAA catabolism , its activity were decreased , maybe it is one of reasons for seedlings leggy .
The leggy seedlings which did not show symptom hiding and which showed symptom hiding 15 days after transplant died all successively before early earing . A part of leggy seedlings which entered into symptom hiding state within 15 days could form ears .
The high of seedling was over the proper degree .
Reduction or avoidance of excessive growth and resistance improvement ;
The leggy rice seedlings showed also an obvious phenomenon of symptom hiding .
Medicament regulation can control over growth of seedlings and improve seedling quality .
Progress of study on controlling the over-growth of young seedling by non-chemical method
Studies on the Controlling Technology of Spindling of Branches and Leaves of Greenhouse Grape
The regulation action of pix on late development and spindling of cotton sown after barley
Result revealed that the death rate was related with the leggy extent of rice seedlings .
Control of Hybrid Rice Seedling Spindling by Soaking Seed in MET and Its Relationship with Peroxidase Activity
The results showed that plant height and hypocotyls length of leggy seedlings were significantly higher than the normal .
The irrigation at the squaring stage to store more water was proposed , but plant overgrowth should be controlled .
Studies on the biological effects of Paclobutrazol on preventing excessive growth of Late-season Rice Seedlings and its relationship with phytohormones
Leggy seedlings leaves were thin , palisade tissues became shorter , spongy tissue arranged in loose with larger intercellular space .
The study preliminary identified the differences of morphology , leaf tissue and subcellular structure between normal seedlings and leggy Seedlings . 3 .
A part of hidden symptom seedlings might retransform into leggy seedlings , the transformation peaks occurred at early jointing stage and early earing stage .
The yield was no significant difference between RWC 80 % and 95 % , but water was seriously wasted in treatment of RWC 95 % .
The results showed white light and yellow light were good for cultivating strong seedling , blue light , red light and green light in turn .
The results showed that : Compare with normal seedlings , dry matter accumulation , and fresh weight , dry weight of leggy seedlings was significantly lower .
Leggy seedlings ' dry matter accumulation decreased , carbohydrate content was decreased , the energy fixed less , carbon and nitrogen metabolism is slow . 4 .
Leggy seedlings hypocotyls length and hypocotyls cell length was significantly longer than the normal one , hypocotyls cell elongation rate was significantly higher than the normal seedlings .
Diagnosis and control of plant disease during flowers and plants seedling stage Equilibrium of temperature in early spring in protected field hinders seriously growth and development of crops .
The contents of P , K total water soluble sugar and starch in the leaves of old-fruit-branch were higher than those of watershoot during the flower-bud differentiation period .
Plug in the breeding conditions due to the highly centralized of production and particularity of plug structure , the excessive growth of the plants is a very serious problem .
CHEMICAL CONTROL OF THE OVERGROWING SEEDLINGS IN THE CONTINUOUS CROPPING OF LATE RICE ⅰ . Effects of MET on the Growth and Tillering of Rice Seedling and the Yield of Rice Grain