
  • 网络Randonnees aux Sites Sublimes;The Travel Diaries of Hsu Hsia-k'o;Travel Notes of Xu Xiake;Xu Xiake's Travel Notes
  1. 融地理学与文学于一书的《徐霞客游记》,向来被看作是一部奇人写的奇书。

    Xu Xiake 's Travel Notes kas always been regarded as a unique literary and geographic book .

  2. 浅谈徐霞客游记中的文化因素

    A cultural perspective of XU Xia-ke 's Travel Records

  3. 《徐霞客游记》的史学价值

    The Historical Value of Travels of XU Xia-ke

  4. 所以《徐霞客游记》对研究历史和民族也很有价值。

    Hence , this book is also valuable in the study of history and nationalities .

  5. 中国游记的记述类型与《徐霞客游记》的里程碑意义

    Descriptive Categories of Chinese Travel Logs and the Milestone Position of Xu Xia Ke 's Travel Dairies

  6. 而浙江省宁海市则建议将旅游日定在5月19日&徐霞客游记开篇日。

    Zhejiang province ` s Ninghai , suggested May 19 , when Xu started writing his travel books .

  7. 他去世后,这些游记经后人整理成书,就是著名的《徐霞客游记》。

    After his death , these diaries were compiled into a book called The Travel Diaries of Xa Xiake .

  8. 《徐霞客游记》的出现,为文史相通,为科学与历史的结合,提供了完美的典范作品。

    The appearance of Travels of XU Xia-ke supplies an example of a combination of liberal arts and history , a combination of science and history .

  9. 《徐霞客游记》主要记述了他在1613年至1639年游历期间的观察结果,提供了有关地理学、水文学、地质学和植物的详细记录。《徐霞客游记》既是地理名著又是文学佳作。

    The book is mainly about his observation during his travel from 1613 to 1639 and provides detailed records of geography , hydrology , geology , and plants .

  10. 经后人编辑的《徐霞客游记》,不但具有极高的科学价值,而且具有很高的文学价值,被誉为“千古奇书”。

    His travel journal was tom-piled by the later generations into a book called The Travel Diaries of Xu Xiake , which is of high scientific and literary value .

  11. 随着丽江的快速发展,加强对《徐霞客游记》中的丽江部分研究,必将有助于丽江地方文化的进一步发展。

    With the rapid development of Lijiang 's economy , further research on the parts about Lijiang in Xu 's Travel Notes will certainly advance the exploitation of the local culture in Lijiang .

  12. 本文以《徐霞客游记》申的四篇日记为范围,以两次考察为依据,论述了徐霞客对地名的记述。

    In this paper , we deal with Xu Xiake 's records about geographical names within the four sections in 《 DIARY OF THE TRAVELS OF XUXIAKE 》 and on the basis of two geographical investigations .

  13. 《徐霞客游记》是中华文化的宝典,也是代表中国文化的20部杰作之一,徐霞客也被列入中国40位古今文化名人之一。足见他在中华文化史上的重要地位。

    Xu had his special status in history : his book is regarded as one of the 20 masterpieces representing Chinese culture , and he has its name on the list of 40 celebrities in modern and ancient times .

  14. 《徐霞客游记》是明末南方社会最直接、最真实、最生动的记载,可说是一部游史,一部当之无愧的信史。

    Travels of XU Xia-ke , a most direct , true and active account of South China in the late Ming Dynasty , is a history in the form of travel notes . It is worthy of a true history .

  15. 他22岁开始出游,在33年里穿行19个省市,进行了艰苦卓绝的科学考察,给后人留了60余万字的《徐霞客游记》。

    Xu began his travels at the age of 22 , and , during the later 33 years , his footprints covered 19 provinces of China , leaving us with his travel notes of 600 thousand words of his difficult tours of observations .

  16. 徐霞客的游记是日记体,基本具备了自传的要素,因而具有自传意义。

    There is an implicative meaning of autobiography in Xu 's travel notes which basically comes in the form of a diary .

  17. 徐霞客与《徐霞客游记》

    Xu Xiake and The Travel Diaries of Xu Xiake