
zhēng xìn jī gòu
  • Credit bureau;credit information service
征信机构[zhēng xìn jī gòu]
  1. 它的确切同样的事情,与征信机构。

    It 's the exact same thing with the credit bureaus .

  2. 我国征信机构相关法律问题解析

    The Law Analysis of Credit Investigation Organization of China

  3. 在典型的欧洲模式下,信息共享依赖于公共征信机构,政府深度介入征信管理,信息交换是强制性的。

    Government involves in the management of credit information and the exchange of information is obligatory .

  4. 征信机构按其在现实生活中所起的作用可分为公共征信机构与市场化征信机构。

    Credit bureaus in real life according to their role can be divided into market-oriented public credit institutions and credit institutions .

  5. 规定征信机构征信行为构成侵权应具备的四个基本要件以及应当承担的法律责任。

    It also should stipulate the four basic requirements that the ICC agencies ' acts are tortious and the legal liability they should take .

  6. 在法律性质上,将征信机构视为企业法人或政府机构等都具有较大的弊端,而将其视为社会中介服务机构更具合理性。

    It is more reasonable to regard agencies on credit investigation as social service agencies than regarding it as enterprises or government agencies from legal nature .

  7. 同时,我国的征信机构设立模式尚不十分明确,笔者分析后认为,以中央银行设立征信机构的模式比较具有借鉴价值。

    Meanwhile , the pattern of establishment of credit organization in China is not very clear , the author analyzes the pattern that the central bank to establish credit organization .

  8. 征信机构应当通过正当的渠道和方式采集信用信息,其既可以向数据主体直接采集信息,也可以向掌握数据主体信用信息的公共管理部门、其他单位和个人采集。

    Credit investigation agencies may collect credit information through due channels , which may be carried out from the data bodies directly or from public administration department , other units or persons .

  9. 全文从个人信用体系中非常重要的三个方面征信机构、相关法规和信用评分系统对个人信用体系的建立和发展过程中的普遍问题进行了探讨和阐述。

    The article also discusses some fundamental problems in the process of building and developing individual credit systems from the following three aspects : credit information department , relative laws and credit rating system .

  10. 在征信机构的设立模式上,主要包括美国的市场化民营化的信用局模式、欧盟的公共征信机构模式和日本的会员制模式三种。

    The mode to carry out credit investigation abroad mainly consists of the market operated credit bureau mode in US , pubic credit investigation agencies mode in EU , and the membership mode in Japan .

  11. 信用标准为征信机构的设施建设、技术和操作提供了规范,对征信产品质量提出了明确的要求,必将对我国征信行业的发展产生重要影响。

    Because of its regulation functions to the operations of agencies in the industry and to the quality of credit information reports , the credit standards will give big influence to the development of the industry .

  12. 旅游部门称将联系被列入黑名单的游客,“提示其采取补救措施”,并保留向公安、海关和交通部门以及征信机构通报游客不文明行为的权力。

    The authority said that it would contact blacklisted tourists and " propose correction measures " and that it reserved the right to report violations to public security , customs and transport officials as well as to credit agencies .

  13. 本文第二部分通过对国外征信机构法律规制的考察,得出对我国征信机构法律规制的有益启示,为征信机构法律规制提供了参考和借鉴。

    The second part of the thesis investigates the law regulation on credit agency in foreign countries and gets beneficial suggestion to our country 's law regulation on credit agency , which provides reference to our country 's law regulation on credit agency .

  14. 依然遵循前文的分析思路和方法,结合19世纪以来的重大经济现象以及若干经济理论的研究发现:公共征信机构建立有两种机制,原生和次生机制。

    Still following the previous analysis of ideas and methods , combined with important economic phenomena since the 19th century , and a number of economic theory study found that : public credit institutions in the two mechanisms , primary and secondary mechanisms .

  15. 在征信机构法律规制的完善过程中,既需要结合国情采取一些过渡的做法,也有必要针对新问题制定新对策,构建征信机构法律规制的基本构架。

    During the period of the perfection of the law regulation on credit agency , we need take some transitional methods integrated with the national condition , establish new resolution aimed at new questions , construct the basic framework of the law regulation on credit agency .

  16. 而法律的缺位,特别是对国家秘密、企业商业秘密和个人隐私缺乏明确的区分,既导致了征信机构法律规制的不完善,也限制和阻碍了征信机构的发展。

    The lack of law , especially the lake of specific division between country secret , enterprise trade secret and personal privacy , leads to the imperfection even deficiency of law regulation on credit agency and meanwhile restricts and prevents the development of credit agency in our country .

  17. 我国没有统一的个人信用征信监管机构,各个地方的监管机构也各不相同。

    There is no unified regulatory agency , each of the local regulatory bodies also differ .

  18. 三是各类征信中介机构唯利是图、追求短期效应、中介机构公信力低,即使在法律允许的条件下,市场化的只介机构也很难采集到数据,不可能形成庞大的数据库。

    Third , various types of credit intermediaries mercenary pursuit of demands , short-term effect and lack of credibility . Even if the law allowed , market-oriented institutions also is difficult to collect data . It is impossible to form a huge database .

  19. 上月,蚂蚁金服成为中国8家获发个人征信牌照的民营机构中首家推出个人征信服务名为芝麻信用(SesameCredit)的机构。

    Last month , Ant Financial became the first of eight companies granted a licence to launch a credit-scoring service , Sesame Credit .

  20. 在我国个人信用征信制度中,个人征信机构的所有经营活动都是围绕着消费者的个人信用信息展开的。

    In the personal credit-inspection system of China , the operation activities of personal credit-in - spection organizations center on personal credit information .

  21. 明确由中国人民银行作为征信监管部门,对征信机构、个人信用信息的提供者和利用者进行监管;

    Meanwhile , the legislation of our country 's ICC should stipulate the People 's Bank of China to be the credit supervision that monitors and manages the ICC agencies , the personal credit information providers and users .

  22. 而金融体系之外的多元化、多层次的信息来源、经济全球化的不断发展、以及多元化、个性化的征信产品需求等则是私营征信机构建立的供求因素。

    Private credit bureaus to establish the demand and supply factors are diversified , multi-level sources of information outside of the financial system , the continuous development of economic globalization , and diversification , personalized credit product demand and so on .

  23. 在征信的过程当中,主体存在着企业与个人,征信过程及机构的运行机理有着自身独特之处,需要法律从各方面进行规范与调整。

    Process and the operation of credit institutions has its own unique mechanism . It is Needed to regulate and adjust all aspects by the law .

  24. 国外征信业已经有170多年的历史,形成了完备的信用体系和征信法律制度,征信机构或完全市场化运作,充分自由竞争;

    All of this introduction provides theoretic precondition to our country 's law regulation on credit agency . Credit agency industry has a history of 170 years in foreign countries and forms perfect credit system and law system .