
wǎnɡ lái zhànɡ hù
  • current account;open account;running account
  1. 银行职员:那么你还是开立往来帐户为好。

    Clerk : Then you 'd better open a current account .

  2. 保守党在往来帐户上都有盈余。

    The Conservatives achieved surpluses on current account .

  3. 斯彭斯:您能给我讲讲有关往来帐户的事吗?

    Spence : Would you please tell me something about current accounts ?

  4. 在往来帐户中什么时候要用减法呢?

    When do we use subtraction for current accounts ?

  5. 你的口袋里和银行往来帐户上也总是有一定数量的钱。

    You also have some of it in your pocket and in bank accounts .

  6. 往来帐户或支票帐户就是为了经常和频繁的存款和取款而设的。

    Current , or checking , accounts are designed for regular and frequent transactions .

  7. 约翰·斯彭斯正在向第一国民银行的一位职员询问有关往来帐户的事宜。

    John Spence is asking a clerk at the First National Bank about current accounts .

  8. 资本与业主往来帐户

    Capital and drawing account

  9. 斯彭斯:哦,您是说,作为个人,我不能开立往来帐户吗?

    S : Oh , so you mean that I can 't open a current account as an individual ?

  10. 资本与业主往来帐户帐户:特定的汇总资产、债、有者权益变动的记录。

    Account : A summary record of the changes in a particular asset , liability , or owners ' equity .

  11. 通常当我们谈论到由企业持有的支票帐房时,我们就使用往来帐户或者活期帐户这样的术语。

    Normally , we use the term current or demand account when we talk about a checking account maintained by a business firm .

  12. 不,我不是那个意思。任何人,无论是企业还是个人都可以开立往来帐户。

    No , I don 't mean that . Anybody , either a firm or an individual , may open a current account .

  13. 请列出您与其有往来帐户的证明人:您必须与其在最近六个月内作过交易,并且他们愿意回答信用查询。

    Please list references that you have an open account with , have done business within the last six months , and will respond to credit inquiries .

  14. 各成员国将在“国际清算同盟”设立“往来帐户”,所有造成盈余或赤字增加的交易都必须通过该账户进行结算。

    All transactions giving rise to surpluses and deficits were to be settled through " clearing accounts " held by member central banks in an international clearing bank .

  15. 银行客户可以拥有下列三种帐户中的一种或多种帐户:活期往来帐户每个活期往来帐户都有一本支票簿。

    When a person becomes a customer of a bank he can have one or more of three main types of account : Current account With a current account goes a cheque book .

  16. 每天我们有很多往来帐目,每位帐户要就是取款,或是存款。

    Every day we have many current accounts , and every account withdraws money or makes some deposits .