
So I emphasis on the reasons that policy lose its efficacy and make a point that policy should lean to the graduates from previous years .
Part four presents the investigation on students ' learning needs . The author make the investigation through asking students to fill in questionnaires and interviewing students .
This is the report of an investigation of the use of Putonghua among students of and graduates from the non normal colleges and universities in Henan Province .
The article passes spring some high school uniform toward lived good looked up , The investigation result indicated , The sole curriculum and the static education pattern seriously restricted the student to graduate the after fast development .
And while potentially better jobs picture might be good news for the class of 2011 , it could mean bad news for graduates of previous years still waiting tables or stuck at a temp job answering phones .
The number of University graduates reached 630 million in 2010.Because of cyclical unemployment and structural unemployment caused by the financial crisis , along with the previous graduates not in employment , have become increasingly prominent matter . Solving the difficult problem of graduate employment become the most urgent thing .
College-Graduate " Village Official " means the graduate students who have Junior college degree or above , to hold an office in the primary-level organizations in the countryside .
At the same time through the analysis on several college students ' survey , I find all of the policies ignored a important group : the graduates from previous years .