
  • 网络Rule;formation rules
  1. 介绍其初始符号和形成规则,并对其进行语义解释,尤其是对知道算子Ka的解释。

    It introduces the initial symbol 、 formational rule and semantic explain of this language , especially " K_a " .

  2. 于是MP°要比MP多一条形成规则:即当A,B为合式公式时,则AB也是合式公式。

    MP ~ therefor has one more formal rule than does MP . That is when A , B are well-formed formulas , then A B is also a well-formed formula .

  3. 用原子操纵在Si(111)7×7表面形成规则纳米结构

    Regular Nanometer-scale Structures created on St ( 111 ) 7 × 7 Surfaces by Atomic Manipulation

  4. 配合物的晶体结构表明,分子中两个偶氮甲碱的N原子及两个酚氧原子与中心Cu原子形成规则的平面配位结构。

    The crystal structure of the complex shows that copper ion was coordinated by two nitrogen atom of the azomethine and two oxygen atom in phenoxy group to form a regular plane .

  5. 结论两电极针间距在3cm以内时,在一定条件下新型盐水增强双极射频消融形成规则的消融灶。

    Conclusions When the distance between the two electrodes is within 3 cm , the ablation zone is regular .

  6. 基于Rough集理论的多属性决策方法,针对属性值为区间数的多属性决策问题,从以往的决策经验中提取规则,形成规则库,然后利用这些规则解决当前的决策问题。

    The method based on Rough set theory In this approach , some rules are extracted from the past decision examples by utilizing rough set theory , and then form a warehouse of rules . Finally these rules are used to solve the current MADM problems .

  7. 在扫描隧道显微镜(STM)针尖和TEA(TCNQ)2样品间加电压脉冲,可以在TEA(TCNQ)2样品表面形成规则排列的直径为纳米级孔洞阵列。

    When voltage pulses were applied between the TEA ( TCNQ ) 2 sample and the tip of a scanning tunneling microscope ( STM ), an array of holes , nanometer in diameter , could be produced on its surface .

  8. 分别通过吸收光谱、荧光光谱和共振光散射光谱的表征手段证明,该种冠醚卟啉在氯仿及阴离子型表面活性剂十二烷基苯磺酸钠(LAS)中,均能形成规则的J-型聚集体。

    Characterization means of absorption spectrum , fluorescence spectrum and resonance light scattering were used and the results indicated that the crown porphyrin can form regular J-aggregates both in chloroform solvent and in anionic surfactant sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate ( LAS ) .

  9. 这个例子说明了我们可以利用不规则的运动能量形成规则的物体形状。

    And this is demonstrating that through random energy , we can build non-random shapes .

  10. 文中提出一种快速划分多孔平面边界元的方法,它可高效处理非正交几何边界形状,形成规则的梯形元。

    It can handle non orthogonal geometric boundary efficiently , and generate regular trapezoid boundary elements .

  11. 探针5'末端经过氨基修饰后,用芯片点样仪按照预先设计的编号位置在玻片上形成规则矩阵。

    After the amidocyanogen embellishment , the probes were blotted regularly on the chips according to predesigned order .

  12. 它可以将测量所得的数据信息进行分类、约简、挖掘和形成规则。

    This method can be used for the classification , reduction , data-mining and regulation establishment from obtained data .

  13. 合金中含碳量不同时,可能形成规则共晶或离异共晶。

    For different C contents in the Ti C alloy , regular eutectic TiC or divorced eutectic TiC can exist .

  14. 在企业软件开发中可以归纳总结特定规律的部分就可以形成规则,使用规则引擎。

    In the enterprise software development can be summed up certain regular parts can form rule , by rule engine .

  15. 由于红绿灯作用,可以看到,在主干道上形成规则的向后传播的交通波。

    Because of the effect of traffic lights , the regular traffic waves in the main stem , which spread backward , will be seen .

  16. 图片表述方式下,被试一开始也会试图通过假设检验形成规则去判断,但因正确率不高转而通过比较相似性进行分类判断。

    Subjects in pictures describe present group will also try to achieve classification rule by hypotheses-test but not because of high accuracy to classify through comparison similarity judgment .

  17. 结果表明:加入甲基丙烯酸有利于胶粒的稳定和形成规则的核壳胶粒。半连续加料不会形成完全反转的核壳结构,但是,核层在反应过程中由于聚合物簇的迁移会造成形变。

    It was shown that the addition of functional monomer methyl acrylic acid could not only improve emulsion stability but also be advantageous to formation of regular core shell structure .

  18. 然后根据专家系统开发的基本原理,完成对管理、组织、评价、教育教学等专门知识和经验的整合,形成规则化、形式化的知识工程。

    Then it combines the management , organization , evaluation and education together on the basis of principles of expert system and then forms the regular , formalized knowledge engineering .

  19. 对系统中的网络设备硬件连接错误检测功能进行详细分析和设计,用产生表示法表示判定连接错误的规则,形成规则库;

    Analyze and design the devices ' link error detective function in details , and then using production representation represent the knowledge of determining link errors and form the rule base ;

  20. 挖掘系统理论上不限定条件字段及决策字段的个数,可以对各种离散型的数据进行处理并形成规则库。

    The data mining system no to limit the number of condition field and decision field in theory . It can mining knowledge from the discrete data and form the rule base .

  21. 在金属酞菁制备成薄膜时,它们会趋向于形成规则排列的分子晶体,受分子间相互作用的影响,它的吸收带会红移。

    For the thin films , MPcs tend to form ordered structures with red-shifted and broadened absorption bands , and the intermolecular interactions affect the shape and position of the absorption bands .

  22. 但法律是经验,不是逻辑推理,它亦包括辩证推理(价值判断),是形成规则和价值规则的统一,亦是思维活动和实践活动的统一。

    However , the law is more than logic inference . With dialectic reasoning ( judgment of value ) involved , it is not only the unification formation rule and value rule , but also of ideology and practice .

  23. 资本保全有财务资本保全与实物资本保全之分。本论文从比较法与法经济分析两个视角,对公司资本制度的基本原理、公司资本形成规则、公司资本维持规则进行了重思。

    The capital maintenance means both financial capital and physical capital . This dissertation is addressed to rethink the fundamental principles of the capital system , the rules of capital raising and capital maintenance from comparative and economic analysis perspectives .

  24. 传统的移就研究都集中在它的定义、分类、形成规则、美学功能和翻译等方面,而忽视了其意义建构的认知过程。

    Most of the former studies of transferred epithet focus on its identification , classification , formation , aesthetic function , translation , etc , however , the cognitive process of its meaning construction has not been scientifically illustrated yet .

  25. 结果发现ZnO中空球层对ZnO微米管的生长起到了晶核的作用,能够在玻璃衬底上形成形貌规则的ZnO微米管;

    The results showed that ZnO hollow spheres acted as crystal nucleus of ZnO microtubes .

  26. 应用四个相对于z轴对称的平面波相干涉,形成具有规则分布的涡旋列。

    Regular optical vortex sequences are generated by interferences of four plane waves which are symmetrical to the z axis .

  27. 这种规范主要来自WTO在条约实践中形成的规则,主要包括了同类产品(同类服务和服务提供者)或直接竞争或替代产品的认定标准、不低于待遇的比较和例外规则的援用等等。

    This kind of limitation on government is mainly from WTO treaty practice . In short , there are like product ( like service and service supplier ) or DCS , no less favorable than , the exceptional rule etc.

  28. 利用小词汇量混合语音识别系统中的HMM状态所形成的规则的二维阵列,对状态观测概率进行分解。

    By using the regular two-dimensional array of HMM states in a hybrid speech recognition system with small vocabulary size , the factorization of observation probabilities is performed .

  29. 知识规则模块包括知识输入、处理和输出,并对ESD模块输出结果进行知识的转换和求精,形成知识规则。

    Knowledge rule module consists of input and output of knowledge , and then , the output result of ESD module was transformed into knowledge refinement , finally knowledge rule was formed .

  30. 形成不规则共晶的临界过冷度为101K,这与共生区的下限过冷度相一致。

    The critical undercooling to form anomalous eutectic is 101 K , which is in agreement with the lower undercooling limit of eutectic coupled zone .