
  • 网络Benedictine;Benedictine Dom;D.O.M.
  1. 弗兰克,看你当酒保真是物有所值

    Frank , it 's worth every penny to see you on keg duty .

  2. 当酒劲慢慢过去,欢乐的情绪也消散了。

    As the effects of the drink gradually wore off the mood of gaiety evaporated .

  3. 当酒上来时,那个陌生人要的东西除了我没有人看见。

    When the drinks arrived , the stranger did something that he wanted nobody to see except me .

  4. 芳香浓郁复杂,丰富的花香和植物香。当酒打开时能强烈感受到成熟的水果味和高度浓缩的香味(菠萝,杏仁)。

    Warm touches of very ripe fruit , with highly concentrated odours ( pineapple , apricot ) developing as the wine opens outhasPalate : Crisp , powerful and fruity impact .

  5. 但《鸟人》与《少年时代》之间的角逐吸引了最多关注,两部影片都获得了一系列奖项与提名,它们就像白兰地与当酒一样,在这漫长的季节里被人们相提并论。

    But it is the matchup between Birdman and Boyhood that commands the most attention . Like brandy and Benedictine , the two have been paired through the long season , as they picked up a string of awards and nominations .

  6. 客人点明虾鸡尾酒当开胃酒。

    The guests were served prawn cocktails as an appetizer .

  7. 用于烈酒当基酒,混合果汁、碳酸饮料及冰块。

    Highballs are made with a shot of a base spirit plus a mixer .

  8. 在中国,当爱酒人士研读菜单时,耳边或许会听到上述含糊的建议。

    Oenophiles in China might hear that muffled bit of advice as they study the menu .

  9. 当你想到酒时,也就明白只有极少数人类智慧的结晶能像酒那样让人欢喜让人忧。

    When you think of it , few of man 's ingenuities have delivered as much joy and sorrow as alcohol .

  10. 冬季,当你啜酒时,在心中对每只酒杯都唱一首歌吧;

    And in winter , when you draw the wine , let there be in your heart a song for each cup ;

  11. 高精密库仑滴定法测定三氧化二砷的纯度当饮用蒸馏酒时,一个人的血液酒精浓度比饮用等量的啤酒或葡萄酒升高得更快。

    When a person drinks distilled spirits , his or her BAC will rise faster and higher than were the person to have consumed an equivalent amount of either beer or wine .

  12. 当拉尔夫喝醉了酒,侮辱了我们最大的主顾时,老板勃然大怒,我从来还没见过他发那么大的火。

    I 've never seen the boss as beside himself with rage as when Ralph got drunk and insulted our biggest client .

  13. 当他们谈起向酒里加入其他物质,如牛磺酸、葡萄糖和高丽参时,我曾一直认为这是一项营销事件。

    " I always thought that it was a marketing thing when they mention the other things they put in like taurine , glucose and ginseng ," she says .

  14. 白酒呈弱酸性,当用玻璃瓶装酒时,酒体会与酒瓶中部分成分发生反应,使微量的酒瓶组分溶入白酒。

    The chemical reaction of liquor body and some compositions of bottles ( because liquor presents subacidity ) would dissolve minute quantity of bottle compositions in liquor during bottle filling .

  15. 对面墙上给挖了个洞,权当是个小酒巴,那里杜松子酒一毛钱便能买上一大杯。

    On the far side of the room there was a small bar , a mere hole in the wall , where gin could be bought at ten cents the large nip .