
  1. 这张宣传照中,台湾当代传奇剧场演员正演出「等待果陀」。

    Actors from the Taiwanese Contemporary Legend Theater perform Waiting for Godot in this handout picture .

  2. 当代传奇剧场将于周五跟周六,在法国巴黎的艾格拉剧院呈现此剧给法国观众。

    The theater group is going to perform this play for French audiences on Friday and Saturday at Theatre del'Agora in Paris .

  3. 从古希腊的哲学家苏格拉底(Socrates)一直到当代美国传奇盲人歌手史提夫·汪达(StevieWonder),无数的诗人、哲学家、剧作家还有流行歌手都对爱有说不尽的感慨。[1]

    Poets , philosophers , playwrights and pop singers from Socrates to Stevie Wonder have had a great deal to say about love .

  4. 毫无疑问,苏童是中国当代小说作家中传奇叙事写作的佼佼者,希望苏童能够沿着这条传奇叙事的道路一直走下去,并能够走得更稳更远。

    Doubtlessly , Su Tong is an excellent writer in Chinese modern novelist who write the legendary narration . I expect Su Tong can continue and go further along the way of legendary narration .