
  • 网络contemporary Chinese philosophy;Contemporary Chinese Philosophers
  1. 论当代中国哲学创新的动力学因素

    On the Dynamics Factor that Promotes the Innovation of contemporary Chinese Philosophy

  2. 寻找文化身份与当代中国哲学

    Seeking Cultural Identity and " Contemporary Chinese Philosophy "

  3. 当代中国哲学主体性思潮基本思想理论状况述评

    Comment on Subjective Ideological Trend of Philosophy in Contemporary China

  4. 当代中国哲学的自身与外部环境均存在着严重的问题。

    There are serious problems in contemporary Chinese philosophy itself and its surroundings .

  5. 对当代中国哲学困境的思考

    Thinking on the Dilemma of Philosophy in Modern China

  6. 论当代中国哲学研究中的前沿问题

    On the Frontier Questions of Contemporary Chinese Philosophy Study

  7. 当代中国哲学的转向与转型

    The Reorientation and Transformation of Contemporary Chinese Philosophy

  8. 当代中国哲学的处境和基本问题

    Situation And Basic Problem Of Contemporary Chinese Philosophy

  9. 从移植词看当代中国哲学

    Contemporary Chinese Philosophy in View of Transplanted Words

  10. 现代性的追求与反省&当代中国哲学的基本面相

    Modernity and Contemporary Chinese Philosophies

  11. 当代中国哲学的基础理论研究及其与时俱进的创新

    The Study of Basic Theory and the Innovation of Going with Times in the Contemporary Chinese Philosophy

  12. 从80年代开始,主体性哲学成为当代中国哲学的一股强大的思潮或思想运动。

    Since 1980s , the philosophy with subject character has become a strong trend of thought in Chinese philosophy .

  13. “当代中国哲学”只能在历史中确定其叙述的始端和视阈,在历史的接受中为自己的存在意义寻找理由。

    It is in the historical reception that " contemporary philosophy " seeks the grounds for its survival significance .

  14. 当代中国哲学界公认哲学基本问题是思维与存在的关系。

    The relationship between thinking and existence is considered by the current Chinese philosophical circle to be the fundamental question of philosophy .

  15. 马克思主义哲学中国化与当代中国哲学建设&第八届马克思哲学论坛综述

    Sinicization of Marxist philosophy and the construction of philosophy of contemporary China & summary of the eighth " Marxist Philosophy Forum "

  16. 当代中国哲学要实现创造性的发展,这是当今哲学界已达成共识的最强势话语。

    Contemporary China 's philosophy should realize creative development , this is nowadays most surging words that the philosophy circle has already reached common understanding .

  17. 当代中国哲学的创新不是脱离这一过程的另起炉灶,而是对这一道路的继承和延续。

    The innovation of China 's present philosophy does not separate from the course , and moreover , it will be the inheritance and extension .

  18. 当代中国哲学其主流意识形态是马克思主义哲学,它在经历了艰苦的摸索之后,正更好地发挥其指导现实的功能;

    The main ideology of contemporary philosophy of China is Marxist philosophy , which is playing a better role in guiding the reality after hard try .

  19. 第三部分,把晚期希腊私域哲学理论纳入到当代中国哲学话语系统之中,为中国哲学的未来发展提供一种可行性的途径。

    The 3 rd part puts the theory of Late Greek Privacy Philosophy into modern China philosophy parole system and thus makes a feasibility way for the future China philosophy .

  20. 智慧说为当代中国哲学的发展做出了重大贡献,也为马克思主义哲学的中国化和中国传统哲学的现代化提供了宝贵的启示。

    On Wisdom made a great contribution to the development of contemporary Chinese philosophy , it also provided a very remarkable enlightenment to Marxist philosophy with Chinese character and the modernization of traditional Chinese philosophy .

  21. 在反思和批判中提出并建构适应中国现实的哲学理念,是当代中国哲学表征自身存在和实现自身价值的唯一方式。

    Put forward and build and construct and meet China 's realistic philosophy idea in reviewing and criticizing , it is contemporary Chinese philosophy that signifies one 's own only way with one 's own value .

  22. 当代中国哲学舞台,前现代、现代、后现代哲学集结,中、西、马哲学并存,由此构成了当代哲学发展的多元复合背景。

    On the present philosophical stage in China , there is a complex composition of philosophical background , with the congregation of pre-modern , modern , and post-modern philosophies , as well as the existence of Chinese , West , and Marxist philosophies .

  23. 不论是从实践需求还是从哲学理论自身的发展来看,创新是当代中国哲学必然的未来走向,而且,从创新的意识到理论的准备,条件都已具备。

    Whether from the demand of practising or from the development of philosophy theory , innovation is a future trend with inevitable philosophy of contemporary China , moreover , from the preparation which realizes the theory innovating , the conditions have all already possessed .

  24. 对哲学的民族性研究将有助于以哲学的高度思考和引领民族国家的特色发展之路,寻求当代中国哲学的创新和发展,指导当代有中国特色的社会主义伟大实践。

    The significance of the study falls into the following three aspects : consider and lead the development path with national characteristics on the high level of philosophy , to pursue innovation and development of contemporary Chinese philosophy , to guide great practice of contemporary socialism with Chinese characteristics .

  25. 本文以《哲学通论》对哲学的追问为线索,阐述了当代中国哲学对哲学的重新理解,以及由此实现的哲学自身的思想解放和哲学的理论自觉。

    The article questions closely what is the philosophy through the General Theory of Philosophy , which is regarded as the clue to expound renewedly the philosophy from the view of the contemporary Chinese philosophy , thereby achieving the liberation of the philosophical thoughts and the theory consciousness of philosophy .

  26. 当代中国社会哲学研究的三个阶段及其主题嬗变

    Three Developmental Stages and Change of Subject Matters in Chinese Philosophy

  27. 当代中国法哲学的哲理探索

    Philosophic Exploration of Philosophy of Law in Contemporary China

  28. 当代中国法哲学正在经历范式的转换或变革。

    The contemporary Chinese philosophy of law is going through transformation of paradigms .

  29. 第三部分是当代中国教育哲学发展的理论反思。

    The third part is the rethought of contemporary Philosophy of Education in China .

  30. 深深植根于现实生活世界中,是当代中国的哲学走出困境的根本出路。

    Taking root in factual living world is the only way out for the philosophy in modern China .