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  1. 归庄&明遗民诗学理论的杰出代表

    Gui Zhuang & the Outstanding Representative of Poetry Theory of Ming Diehards

  2. 虽作头陀不解禅&清初遗民诗人归庄与佛教

    The Diehard Poet Gui Zhuang and Buddhism in the Early Qing Dynasty

  3. 归庄诗歌和散文内容丰富,题材多样,风格独特。

    Poetry and prose to the Zhuang is rich in content and diverse subject matter , style .

  4. 时代变化与士人贞节观念关系探析&以明中期至明末清初的归有光和归庄为个案

    Views on the social changes in the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty and the learned people 's concept of chastity

  5. 从归庄的交游看明季士人遗民的生存选择

    See the Choice of Life Style of the Literati in the End of Ming Dynasty from the Communication and Travel of Gui Zhuang

  6. 归庄身处明清鼎革之际,其文学思想的发展演变也具有鲜明的时代特点。

    Gui Zhuang in the Ming and Qing Dynasties , the thinking of its literary evolution also has distinctive characteristics of the times .

  7. 该部分在梳理归庄实学思想、儒佛观念的基础上,着重论述归庄政治思想政治态度的变化及原因。

    Basing on carding Guizhang 's real doing idea and his idea on Confucianism and Buddhism , this part emphasizes on discussing the change of Guizhuang 's political idea and political attitude .