
  • 网络Forced shopping;compulsive shopping
  1. 一天,有一至两个购物景点,不是强迫购物。

    One day , one or two shopping spots , not forced shopping .

  2. 这些措施将于4月15日正式施行,其中包括:禁止在定点商店强迫购物和不合理低价游,处罚针对游客的欺诈行为,通过互联网信息和评价系统加强对导游的管理。

    The measures , which will come into effect on April 15 , include forbidding forced shopping at designated stores and overly cheap tours , punishing fraud targeted at tourists and strengthening regulation of tour guides via an online information and evaluation system .

  3. 强迫购物往往开始于年纪小的时候。

    Compulsive shopping often begins at an early age .

  4. 患强迫性购物症的人一旦来到购物中心,就无法控制自己的开支。

    Once the compulsive spender stops at the mall , she will be unable to control her spending .

  5. 以下就有一些控制超支和强迫性购物的贴士。

    Here are some tips for controlling overspending and compulsive shopping .

  6. 强迫性购物通常会形成持续的恶性循环。

    Compulsive shopping typically occurs in a continuing viscous cycle .

  7. 如果是的话,你可能在强迫性购物方面就真的存在问题。

    If so , it is possible that you have a real problem with compulsive shopping .

  8. 这种内疚和压力导致另一轮的抑郁,使得强迫性购物如此循环反复。

    This guilt and stress leads to another round of depression , which begins the compulsive shopping cycle all over again .

  9. 这听上去跟你有点儿像?担心自己可能有了强迫性购物倾向?做做这个快速测试来看看自己的结果吧。

    Does this sound like you ? Worried you might have compulsive shopping tendencies ? Take this quick quiz to see how you fare .

  10. 有些行为方式可以在几分钟或者几个小时内经历从开始到结束的全过程,比如强迫性购物或消费。

    DK : Patterns can have a beginning , middle and end within a matter of minutes or hours , such as compulsive shopping or spending .

  11. 典型的强迫性购物狂是30到35岁间的女性,她们有一系列的信用卡,家庭收入处于低到中等水平。

    The typical compulsive buyer is a woman in her early to mid-30s who has a number of credit cards and whose family earns a low to middle income .

  12. 旅游新政策旨在帮助游客,主要规定有禁止报酬低廉的导游强迫游客购物等等。

    The new tourism law aims to help the tourists themselves , mainly by preventing practices like the forced-march shopping excursions that are often led by ill-paid tour guides .

  13. 涉嫌强迫内地游客购物并辱骂游客的香港导游李巧珍也一并向内地游客和香港市民道歉。

    Li Qiaozhen , a tour guide who forced mainland tourists to shop in certain Hong Kong stores , also apologized to mainland tourists and Hong Kong citizens , the Beijing News reported .