
  • 网络elastic bandage
  1. 硅酮弹力绷带治疗增生性瘢痕的研究

    Treatment of hyperplastic scar by silicone elastic bandage

  2. 辅以颅颌弹力绷带或颌间牵引可有效的治疗术后牙合干扰。

    It is better to treat occlusal interference after operation use elastic bandage which used to link skull and jaw .

  3. 不同压力弹力绷带对抑制瘢痕增生的影响

    Influence of different pressure tension bandage on inhibiting scar proliferation

  4. 自粘性弹力绷带在儿科静脉输液中的应用

    Application of Self-sticky Pressure Bandages in Pediatric Intravenous Transfusion

  5. 目的了解指压止血法和弹力绷带压迫止血法对早期使用的动静脉内瘘穿刺点的止血效果及并发症。

    Objective To investigate the influence of centripetal puncture on the early application of arteriovenous internal fistula in hemodialysis patients .

  6. 透析后内瘘止血方法为弹力绷带压迫法和透明胶带结合指压法。

    Spring tape around the arm or applying pressure and adhesive tape on the puncture site were used to stop bleeding after dialysis .

  7. 弹力绷带加压包扎修复的成功率为63%,超声指导下压迫修复的成功率为85%。

    The successful repair rates were 63 % and 85 % for pressure bandage and ultrasound-guided compression respectively . Nine patients who failed with ultrasound-guided compression underwent surgical repair .

  8. 他在医院住了许多个月,出院时脸上和手上缠着棕色加压弹力绷带,以防止伤疤像通常那样增厚和凸起。

    After many months in hospital , he left wearing a brown elasticized pressure garment around his face and hands to prevent his scars from becoming thick and raised , as often happens .

  9. 弹力粘贴绷带拆除方法的改进

    Modification of Elastic Adherent Bandage Withdrawal Methods