- 网络Median nerve injury;injury of median nerve

Conclusion Loss of MP is related with the change of MNCV due to median nerve injury , all the selected measurements become significantly abnormal after median nerve injury .
One case with soft tissue defect and concomitant ulnar defect , ulnar nerve and median nerve injury , 67 % function of limb was recovered , and union of fibula graft was good .
Result : Satisfactory result were obtaines in 39 cases of low median nerve injuries . The sensory recovery in treatment group was faster than in control group , but no significant diference ( P0.05 ) . Better motor functions were achieved in treatment group ( P0.01 ) .
Tardy ulnar nerve palsy occurred in 5 cases .
Treatment of median nerve injuries at the forearm
Objective : To clarify the effects of fascicular orientation in repairing low median nerve injuries .
Objective To prove the recovery of nerve function after repair median nerve injury in advanced stage .
Median Nerve Injuries in Children
Conclusions The traumatic flexor tendon injury of palm in children is always associated with median nerve damage .
Objective To observe the effects of early rehabilitation training on sensory restoration after the median nerve injuries .
It is capable of providing applied anatomic basis by using the abductor muscle flap of the little finger transposition for abductor function of thumb restoration .
Methods From 1996 to 1999 , 5 cases with incised flexor tendon of 2 , 3 , 4 fingers associated with median nerve damage were admitted .
All fractures were close fracture . One patient had combined median nerve injuries , two patients combined lower extremity fractures , one patient had combined clavicle fracture . there was no patients combined head trauma .
Conclusion The new optimal transpositional operation of the flexor pollicis brevis muscle for the reconstruction of thumb opposition is suitable for the patients with late median nerve injury , especially when the ulnar nerve branch to the deep head of the flexor pollicis brevis muscle is uninjured .
The functional reconstruction of median nerve injury on high level
The new nerve transfer procedure provides an option for restoration of intrinsic muscle function after proximal injury of ulnar nerve and median nerve .
Clinically , the injury of thumb opposing function mainly dues to the damage of the median nerve branch which is often irreversible .
Conclusion It is a convenient and efficient procedure that reconstructing thumb opposition function by transfering the extensor carpi ulnaris and the extensor pollicis longus muscle tendons .
Medianus nervi stimulation for persistent vegetative state after head injury : A report of 7 cases
The Change of Neurotransmitter Median of Patients in Coma Caused by Head Traumas Treated by Nerve Stimulation Therapy