
  • 网络positive function
  1. 越轨正功能对学生管理工作的启示

    Enlightenment of the Positive Function of Deviance for the Education and Management of University Students

  2. 科学制度既具有正功能、显性功能,也具有反功能和隐性功能。

    Science institution not only has positive function and obvious function , but also has negative function and potential function .

  3. 选举的正反功能相伴而生,但正功能永远是主要的。

    The positive and negative functions come along , but the positive function is always dominant .

  4. 科层制(或官僚制)具有正反两个方面的功能:科层制组织的有效率的正功能和缺乏适应性和灵活性的反功能。

    Bureaucracy has both positive and negative functions : The positive function of bureaucratic organization is efficiency ;

  5. 论越轨的正功能

    The Positive Functions of Deviance

  6. 在近几年的研究中,学者们逐渐开始关注师生冲突具有的正功能作用。

    In recent years , scholars have gradually started to pay attention to the positive role of teacher-student conflict .

  7. 教育者应当寻求积极的措施发挥网络对大学生人格塑造的正功能。

    Educators should seek positive measures to develop network 's functions in the shaping of university student 's personality .

  8. 转化其负功能为正功能,正确引导受众是新闻媒体的一项责任。

    Transforming its negative function is to function , the correct guidance the audiences is a news media responsibility .

  9. 另外,在言语功能性质上还区分了正功能和负功能及其相应的社会评价。

    In addition , in speech function nature differentiates the positive function and negative function and its corresponding social evaluation .

  10. 摘要在信息时代,大众传播在发挥强大正功能的同时,其负面作用也日益显现。

    In the informational age , the mass media plays its positive function while its negative function has become obvious more and more .

  11. 因此,我们应建立长效的监测与预警机制,在控制网络谣言的负面影响的同时,允许其正功能的发挥。

    Therefore , we should establish a long-term control system that could decrease the negative influences and allow the positive functions of online rumors .

  12. 素质功能研究的核心在于实现素质的正功能,克服素质功能逆向发挥的不利因素。

    The core of the research on functions of quality lies in achieving the positive functions of quality and overcoming the unfavorable factors of adverse play of them .

  13. 民事执行权配置在法院对司法系统目的的正功能决定了该配置模式在我国的合理性和最优化。

    Since allocating civil execution power to the court has positive influence on the judicial system , it verifies to be the rational and best mode in China .

  14. 缔结积极的师幼关系等正功能,但是,其滋长小帮手的特权感、造成群体分化、催生权力的交换等负功能也随之产生。

    Meanwhile , it has the negative effects such as : multiplying the consciousness of privilege , splitting up the groups in class and resulting in the exchange of power .

  15. 法治的正功能可以概括为四个方面:通过正当化国家权力,促进价值多元化和解决纠纷而实现社会整合功能;

    The functions of rule by law can be summarized as the following four aspects : promote the value diversity , solve the dispute and realize the social reorganization function ;

  16. 正确认识和评价越轨的正功能,对于社会转型期大学生越轨行为的教育管理具有重要的理论意义和指导作用。

    To understand and evaluate the positive function of deviance has great theoretical significance and guidance value for the educational administration of university students in the period of social transformation .

  17. 我们应该从完善选举技术和为选举营造和谐的社会环境两个方面来努力,以期更好地彰显选举的正功能、削减选举的反功能。

    We should make efforts to improve elective techniques and create harmonious social environment for elections so as to highlight the positive function of the election and weaken the negative one .

  18. 刑事普通救济程序的功能可分为正功能和负功能,其中正功能又可分为目标功能和附带功能。

    The functions of general relief procedure in criminal procedure can be classified into positive functions and negative functions , and the positive functions can be classified into functions as objective and functions as by-product .

  19. 在经济体制的动态过程中,它经历的是一个从“潜功能、正功能”到“显功能、反功能”最后回到“潜功能、正功能”的功能转化的动态过程。

    In the changing of economic system , it changed from " potential function ? positive function " to " obvious function ? negative function " and to " potential function , positive function " .

  20. 手机短信具有信息传递快捷、价格低廉、互动保密以及安全阀等社会正功能,而部分不法之徒则通过发送不良短信、借助短信进行诈骗等活动,对社会的发展和稳定造成了诸多负面的影响。

    The cellular phone is not only characterized by such positive functions as speedy transmission of information , cheapness , interaction and security , but also has such negative functions as the lawless sending harmful messages and practicing fraud by means of messages .

  21. 由于一定程度的社会不稳定也具有某些正功能,因而不能把追求稳定当作反对改革的借口;民族聚落在其形成后,发挥着稳定社会生活模式的民俗功能。

    Obviously pursue of stability should not be used as an excuse against reform , for a certain degree of instability might bring about positive effect . After its coming-into-being , ethnic dwelling places function well in stabilizing the patterns of social life .

  22. 计划生育政策的正功能分别表现在人口效益、经济效益、社会效益、家庭效益等方面,而其也有诸多负功能即消极影响,以及未被大多数人所预见的隐性的负功能。

    The positive functions of family planning policy are reflected in the fields like population control , economic growth , social benefits and family benefits and so forth . What more , family planning also has negative functions and implicit functions which were neglected by many people .

  23. 在本文的第四部分,笔者从功能论视角出发,探讨了社区娱乐性赌博对参与居民及社区的正功能与负功能。

    In the fourth part , the author from the function theory perspective , probes into the community to participate in entertaining gambling residents and community positive function and negative function . Both must play a community for residents to participate in the recreational gambling entertainment value .

  24. 此外文章着重指出,农民工与市民的冲突不仅具有破坏社会秩序、伤害群体心理等的负功能,还具有促进城市社会发展、加强群体与社会整合以及充当社会安全阀等正功能。

    Further , this thesis emphasizes that conflict between peasant-workers and urban residents not only have the dysfunction of destroying social order and hurting group 's mind , but also have the function of accelerating cities ' development , enhancing group conform into society and being social safety valve .

  25. EclipseModelingFramework(EMF)是一个基于Eclipse的Java框架,它为构建工具和其他建模应用程序、转换以及正反向功能提供了基础。

    The Eclipse Modeling Framework ( EMF ) is a Java framework based in Eclipse that provides the basis for building tools and other modeling applications , transformations , and round-trip facilities .

  26. 目的决定方法,这正是功能翻译理论的核心。

    Purposes justify means , which is the core of functionalist translation theory .

  27. 他已将自己视为美国政府之外的圣人,上周,他声称美国政府“正陷入功能紊乱的泥沼”。

    He is already positioning himself as the sage outsider to Washington , which he described last weekas " sinking into a swamp of dysfunction " .

  28. 但是近年来,由于多方面原因,湿地正面临功能退化、面积萎缩、水源污染、生态破坏等威胁。

    But in recent years , due to various reasons , wetland is under threats of functional degradation , dimensions shrinking , water pollution , ecological damages and so on .

  29. 基于GIS的CATV分配网正反向设计功能的研究与应用

    The Bidirectional Design Function Research & Application for CATV Based-on GIS

  30. 目前,它正处于限制功能的公测阶段,但像基于Web服务之类的功能恐怕会又一次将微软的统治延续下去。

    The release is currently in a limited beta , but features such as the free Web-based version just might reassert Microsoft 's dominance .