
dàn wán
  • projectile;shot;pellet
弹丸 [dàn wán]
  • (1) [bullet]

  • (2) 步枪、滑膛枪或手枪发射的圆柱形弹

  • (3) 打弹弓用的铁或泥制的丸

  1. 斯坦利.斯蒂尔仍然认为有人偷了他的平滑的钢弹弓的弹丸。

    Stanley Steels still thinks someone stole his smooth steel sling shot .

  2. 弹丸流量对抛丸成形影响的试验研究

    Investigations on the Effect of Shot Flow on Peen-Forming

  3. 的时候,捕十只蝉只会逃走一只;当放五颗弹丸不掉下来的时候,捕蝉就像随手拾取一样容易了。”

    ts are put there and do not fall off , only one cicada out of ten can manage to escape ; when 5 pellets are put there and do not fall off , then catching cicadas is as easy as picking them up at will . "

  4. d为弹丸直径,mm;

    D is the projectile diameter , mm ;

  5. 等离子体中弹丸消融的CCD摄像

    CCD Photography of Pellet Ablation in Plasma

  6. 爆炸成型弹丸对Al2O3装甲陶瓷材料的侵彻实验研究

    DOP experimental study on EFP penetrating Al_ ( 2 ) O_ ( 3 ) armor ceramic

  7. 卵形弹丸撞击下FRP层合板的侵彻和穿透

    Penetration and perforation of FRP laminates under normal impact by ogival-nosed projectiles

  8. 底部刻槽旋转弹丸的RCS特性的分析与仿真

    The RCS Analysis and Simulation for the Bullet Pill with Slot

  9. 用Navier-Stokes方程数值模拟弹丸绕流流场

    Numerical Simulations of Projectile Flow with Navier & Stokes Equations

  10. 用CCD相机观测HL-1M弹丸消融过程

    Observations on pellet ablation in the HL 1M Tokamak with CCD camera

  11. HT-7托卡马克的八管弹丸注入器

    Eight-barrel Pellet Injector for HT-7 Tokamak

  12. 采用二维梁-颗粒模型BPM2D(beam-particlemodelintwodimensions)模拟了刚性弹丸侵彻无钢筋混凝土的过程。

    The process of the projectile penetrating into plain concrete is numerically simulated with the BPM2D ( beam-particle model in two dimensions ) .

  13. HL-1M装置弹丸和分子束加料的粒子输运研究

    Study of particle transport during MBI and pellet injection on the HL-1M tokamak

  14. 钢模拟爆炸成形弹丸(EFP)飞行特性及对大间隔靶的侵彻实验

    Experiment on Flight Characteristics and Penertration against Spaced Targets with Big Spacing of EFP Warhead

  15. 提出应用线阵CCD技术测量飞行弹丸攻角,建立了测量飞行弹丸攻角的计算方法。

    In the paper , a method is developed about attack angle measurement of flying projectile with linear array CCD technology , and the calculation method of the attack angle established .

  16. HL-1M弹丸加料等离子体中的蛇形振荡

    Snake-like oscillations in the HL-1M pellet-fueled plasma

  17. 弹丸和超声束流注入对HL-1M装置边缘电场和等离子体旋转的影响

    Effects of supersonic beam and pellet injection on edge electric field and plasma rotation in HL-1M Tokamak

  18. 应用TTM网格研究冲压增程弹丸进气道内外流场

    Application of TTM grids on the research of inlet complex flow of ramjet assisted range projectile

  19. 最后,通过Taylor碰撞算例验证了本文塑性程序的有效性,并对弹丸撞击飞机加强蒙皮实验进行了数值模拟,研究了变形区直径、变形区深度和弹丸剩余速度与弹丸初速度的关系。

    Finally , the plastic program is proved to be correct and efficient by Taylor impact . In addition , numerical simulation for impact of bullet on airplane skin is carried out .

  20. 应用二阶隐式TVD格式对固体火箭冲压发动机增程弹丸超音速进气道内部湍流流场进行了数值仿真。

    The numerical simulation of supersonic inlet internal turbulent flow of solid rocket ramjet assisted range projectiles was performed by 2-order implicit TVD .

  21. 在X和Y方向分别采用四个成固定角度的光幕来实现入射角度的测量,一次射击可得到弹丸的速度、速度方向上的空间角和着靶位置坐标。

    The angle of incidence to be less than 70 ° was measured by using four light screens respectively at X and Y axis direction . The velocity , angle of incidence and coordinate of position are gained after firing .

  22. 利用ALE算法对新型铜爆炸成形弹丸进行了数值模拟和分析,同时进行了EFP成形X光摄影试验。

    Shaping of explosively formed projectile is simulated by ALE method , and X-ray experiment of EFP forming is car-ried out at same time .

  23. 文中针对靶场测试的实际要求,应用摄像测量技术,提出了用面阵CCD摄像测试弹丸炸点相对目标空间三维坐标的一种新方法。

    Aiming at the request of the shooting range , applying the technology of photogrammetry , a new method to measure the coordinate of projectile exploding position relative to the target by square array CCD is introduced .

  24. 首先给出直角坐标系下弹丸质心运动方程组,研究如何采用MATLAB建立直角坐标系下外弹道质心运动系统的仿真模型,进行仿真实验并对实验结果进行分析。

    At first , the equations of mass trajectory of pill in the rectangular coordinates system are discussed ; secondly , the design of the simulation model with MATLAB , as well as the experiment analysis , has been discussed .

  25. 采用多点起爆方式,设计了带尾翼翻转型爆炸成形弹丸(EFP)试验装置。

    The test set of the Explosively Formed Projectile ( EFP ) with star shaped tail was designed with a multi-point initiation .

  26. 它已用于HL-1的各种物理实验,诸如偏压电极放电的实验,微波加热实验,弹丸注入的实验等。

    The system has been used on HL-1 device in various experiments such as bias electrode discharge experiment , microwave heating , pellet injection etc.

  27. 该榴弹CAD软件具有以下一些功能模块:计算弹丸质量、极转动惯量等构造特征数,计算内、外弹道特性,计算气动力,威力等。

    The software package have some functions as follows : calculating the shrapnel 's diagnostic parameters such as the mass and the pole moment of inertia , the inner and outer ballistic characteristic , the aerodynamic force and power , and so on .

  28. 弹丸为LY12铝球,撞击速度为4.5km/s,撞击角为0°。

    Projectiles are LY-12 aluminum spheres with impact velocity of 4.5km/s and impact angle of 0 ° .

  29. 这些优异的壁条件导致了多发弹丸注入、低混杂波电流驱动(LHCD)和长脉冲放电等物理实验的重大进展。

    The excellent wall conditions lead to great progresses in the experiments such as the multi-shoot pellet injection , LHCD and long pulse discharges .

  30. 采用二阶隐式TVD格式,结合区域分解算法对固体火箭冲压发动机增程弹丸超音速进气道内外复杂流场进行了数值模拟。

    Applied second-order implicit TVD scheme and zonal method , the numerical simulation of supersonic inlet internal and external complex flow of solid rocket ramjet assisted range projectiles was presented .