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  1. 张炎词学思想探微

    Study on the Thoughts of Zhang Yan ' Ci Poetry

  2. 将此二者结合起来,更清晰地展现了张炎对清代词坛的整体影响。

    Through combined them , it gives a clear demonstration of Zhangyan 's influence on Ci of the Qing Dynasty .

  3. 词人以创作来寄托哀思,悲伤有余而气力不足。这一时期以张炎等人为代表。第四部分论渔父词的闲适境界。

    Word to people to create sustenance grief , sadness and more than enough gas . Chapter ⅲ Fisherman words are leisurely realm .

  4. “雅正”是张炎论词的基本原则,“清空”则是他论词的理想境界、最高的美学要求。

    The Ya-zheng is the basic fundamental of criticism of Ci , the Qing-Kong is ideal state , and also the hightest aesthetic pursuit .

  5. 词乐亡于元初,其具体时间可以张炎、仇远逝世为标志。

    The music of ci poetry died out in early Yuan Dynasty , marked specifically by the deaths of Zhang Yan and Qiu Yuan .

  6. 张炎融通而全面的词学观,对后代词论家也产生了很大的影响。

    Zhang Yan achieved mastery through a comprehensive study of the Ci poetry , which produced great influence on the thoughts of Ci poetry critics .

  7. 中国外交部军控司司长张炎先生将代表中方参加上述会议。

    Zhang Yan , Director-General of the Department of Arms Control and Disarmament , will attend the meeting on behalf of the Chinese Foreign Ministry .

  8. 在理论主张上,张炎以“雅正”为中心,从核心理论、具体创作方法理论和对流行理论问题的批判三方面进行了阐述;

    Centered on his idea of " elegance and uprightness ", Zhang expounded his claims from three aspects : core theory , concrete methods of literary creation and criticism of prevailing theoretical problems .

  9. 首先全面概述张炎的研究成果,目前对张炎的家世生平、词和词学理论三方面都有较深入的研究。

    First of all , summerizing the research results of Zhang Yan , such as biography , ci , CI Theory , and so on . Scholars have more in depth studies on these .

  10. 当回答印度时报记者关于中国与比哈尔邦合作的实质时,张炎说,因为中国将比哈尔邦视作为一个快速发展的经济体,使得共同努力拓展合作成为可能。

    To a query by TOI about the nature of cooperation between China and Bihar , Yan said since China saw Bihar as a fast developing economy , there could be joint efforts to expand cooperation .

  11. 张炎作为南宋末著名的词作者和词论家,以其丰富的词作体现了他所倡导的创作主张,在中国词史上留下了光辉的一页。

    Zhang Yan was a well-known Ci writer and specialist in Ci theory in the late Southern Song Dynasty , Whose rich Ci works have shown his creative propositions and left a glorious model in the history of Chinese Ci .