
  • Zhang Chao;【人名】Chao Zhang
  1. 张超意识到他可能会让公众失望,因为他没能展示出PM2.5的内部结构。PM2.5才是雾霾成分中最臭名昭著的。

    Zhang realizes that he may have disappointed the public because he can 't show the inner construction of PM2.5 , today 's most notorious element in smog .

  2. 张超说:人们对环境标准的要求越来越高了。

    People have higher and higher standards for the environment , he says .

  3. 中国日报两年之前曾经采访过31岁的摄影师张超。

    It has been two years since China Daily last interviewed 31-year-old Zhang Chao .

  4. 但张超指出,还有很多是复合物,很难辨别是什么物质。

    But many are compounds , he says , which are more difficult to identify .

  5. 我给过张超以下意见:你想要做到100%,但是你现在只达到了40%。

    I gave this advice to Zhang Chao : You think are at100 % , but you are aT40 % .

  6. 张超的房子在8层,他认为在这个位置可以很好地收集到最严重的雾霾样品。

    Zhang 's apartment is on the eighth floor , which he says is perfect for capturing the densest levels of smog .

  7. 作为一个北京人,张超说他的初衷是解构雾霾并揭开雾霾的神秘面纱。

    As a Beijing native , Zhang explains his original purpose is to deconstruct Beijing 's smog and unveil its shroud of mystery .

  8. 张超是位于佛山市的广东东软学院的一名学生,他在附近的大学城提供领包裹再配送的服务。

    Zhang Chao , a student at Neusoft Institute Guangdong in Foshan , offers parcel-pickup and re-delivery service in the nearby university town .

  9. 作为一个北京人,张超说他的初衷是“解构”雾霾并揭开雾霾的神秘面纱。

    As a Beijing native , Zhang explains his original purpose is to " deconstruct " Beijing 's smog and unveil its shroud of mystery .

  10. 虽然张超毕业于北京师范大学科学类专业,但他也很难解释清楚北京雾霾到底包含什么成分。

    Although he graduated as a science major from Beijing Normal University , Zhang says it is difficult for him to give an exact definition of what smog is in Beijing .

  11. 星期六晚上当我坐在从演唱会回上海的大巴上,我和好朋友张超聊天(他是好男儿的第5名)。

    Saturday night as I was sitting on the tour bus back to Shanghai from our concert I was talking to my friend Zhang Chao ( he was5th place on My Hero ) .

  12. 张超是自由职业者和《中国国家天文》杂志编辑。这家杂志由中国科学院国家天文台主办。他的日常工作就是盯着天空,然后写一些科普文章。

    Working as a freelancer and editor for an astronomy magazine affiliated with the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences , his regular job is to stare at the starry firmament and write popular-science articles .

  13. 虽然张超毕业于北京师范大学科学类专业,但他也很难解释清楚北京雾霾到底包含什么成分。他说:雾霾成分太复杂了,而且一直处于变化之中。

    Although he graduated as a science major from Beijing Normal University , Zhang says it is difficult for him to give an exact definition of what smog is in Beijing . It 's too complicated , and its ingredients keep changing .

  14. 张超说:我想知道在早春的雾霾中是不是有花粉颗粒,我的猜测应验了。平均每个载片上有10个花粉颗粒。

    I wanted to know if there are many pollen grains in the early spring 's smog , and my guess turns out to be right , Zhang says , noting there are on average 10 pollen grains found on each slide .