
  • 网络A Mei;a-mei;Amei;the power of love
  1. 得到张惠妹的签名对我来说不可思议。

    It 's crazy to me to get the signature of A-mei Chang .

  2. 她的对手们,如张惠妹和孙燕姿,也都实力强劲,极有获奖可能。

    Her rivals , such as A-Mei Chang and Stefanie Sun were strong enough to beat her .

  3. 《我可以抱你吗》收录在张惠妹的第五张同名专辑《我可

    Westlife , When You Tell Me That You Love Me , Diana R

  4. 全球华语流行歌手张惠妹在进入乐坛十五周年之际,捐出一场演唱会全部收入给她出生的天主教圣母医院。

    A top Chinese singer is to donate ticket-sales proceeds from one of her world tour performances to the Church-run hospital where she was born .

  5. 张惠妹之前在日本演出舞台剧《杜兰朵》,唱起日语歌曲驾轻就熟,抒情的让现场观众听出了耳油。

    Chang Hui-mei in Japan prior to the stage to perform " Turandot ", singing Japanese songs very much at home , so that the lyric audience out of the ear to listen to the oil .

  6. 除了为自己写歌,他还为多位歌手写过歌,包括:台湾歌手张惠妹的《记得》;同为新加坡歌手阿杜的《放手》,及庾澄庆的《干嘛你看不爽我?》

    Besides producing numbers by himself , Lin has written songs for various recording artists , including Remember for Taiwan-based singer A-Mei , Let Go for fellow Singaporean singer A-Do , and What 's Wrong with You ? for Harlem Yu .

  7. 3月6日,韩国歌手郑淳元在湖南卫视《我是歌手》的舞台上演唱了张惠妹的《听海》。随后,一段由多位著名歌手演绎这首歌的视频迅速登上微博热门榜。

    A video of several renowned singers performing the same song , A-mei 's Listen to the Sea , appeared on Weibo 's hot post rankings soon after South Korean artist The One delivered his version on the stage at Hunan TV 's I 'm a Singer on March 6 .