
  • 网络Firth;groves;J.R.Firth
  1. 弗斯对语言学的第二个重要贡献是韵律分析,叫做韵律音位学。

    Firth 's second important contribution to linguistics is his method of PROSODIC ANALYSIS , called PROSODIC PHONOLOGY .

  2. 但是,除了马林诺夫斯基和弗斯,还应该看到语言学家加德纳的贡献。

    However , apart from Malinowski and Firth , the Egyptologist Gardiner 's contribution should also receive due credit .

  3. “奇弗斯!”——“什么事,老师?”

    ' Chivers ! ' — ' Yes , Miss ? '

  4. 笨手笨脚的技工;笨手笨脚的表演;政府笨拙的干涉;那些穷人笨手笨脚的,几乎不能将煤斗中的灰弄干净玛丽h弗斯。

    A bumbling mechanic ; a bungling performance ; ham-handed governmental interference ; could scarcely empty a scuttle of ashes , so handless was the poor creature-mary h.vorse .

  5. 由于重力传感器是在运动载体上测量重力的,其输出包含当地重力大小和厄特弗斯效应,所以在该组合导航系统Kalman滤波器中考虑了厄特弗斯效应。

    When onboard gravity sensor measures gravity , its output includes both local measurement gravity and the Eotvos effect , so the Eotvos effect would be considered in Kalman filtering of the integrated navigation system .

  6. 2014年7月,马航MH17客机在乌克兰东部坠毁。近日,《纽约客》的一位记者,曾获普利策奖获的C.J.奇弗斯指出,该事件中多处涉及到数字17和7。

    Recently , a Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times journalist , C.J. Chivers , pointed out the numerous 17s and 7s involved with the tragic Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 that crashed in eastern Ukraine in July 2014 .

  7. 搭配研究是弗斯语言学的重要课题。

    Collocation study is a very important aspect of Firthian Linguistics .

  8. 弗斯脱上校说,他一定立刻就到我们这里来。

    Colonel Forster gives us reason to expect him here soon .

  9. 弗斯脱上校是不是显出看不起韦翰的样子?

    And did Colonel Forster appear to think ill of Wickham himself ?

  10. 我笑得好厉害,弗斯脱太太也笑得好厉害。

    How I laughed ! and so did Mrs. Forster .

  11. 弗斯脱太太怎么竟放心让她离开他们跟前呢?

    Why did the Forsters ever let her go out of their sight ?

  12. 于是弗斯脱上校连忙写信告诉我们。亲爱的丽萃,他们所经过的地方离开我们一定不满十英里。

    My dear Lizzy , they must have passed within ten miles of us .

  13. 弗斯脱上校能不能把丽迪雅留给他太太的那封短信逐字逐句背出来?

    Could Colonel Forster repeat the particulars of Lydia 's note to his wife ?

  14. 特弗斯不让我们看。

    Travers won 't let us see it .

  15. 弗斯脱上校有没有见到丹尼本人?

    Had Colonel Forster seen Denny himself ?

  16. 丽迪雅留了一封短信给弗斯脱太太,把他们两人的意图告诉了她。

    Lydia left a few lines for his wife , informing her of their intention .

  17. 请代问候弗斯脱上校。

    Give my love to Colonel Forster .

  18. 弗斯脱上校怎么说的?

    What did Colonel Forster say ?

  19. 幸福这个话题长期以来一直吸引着经济学家的注意力,沃尔弗斯和史蒂文森的分析补充了这个话题的研究成果。

    Their analysis adds to the collection of studies on happiness that have long interested economists .

  20. 我一定会跟弗斯脱上校说,要是他不开,可真丢人哪。

    I shall tell Colonel Forster it will be quite a shame if he does not .

  21. 嘉丁纳先生一直挨到接得弗斯脱上校的回信以后,才写第二封信到浪搏恩来。

    Mr. Gardiner did not write again till he had received an answer from Colonel Forster ;

  22. 父亲马上就要跟弗斯脱上校到伦敦去想办法找她。

    My father is going to London with Colonel Forster instantly , to try to discover her .

  23. 马林诺夫斯基和弗斯是这一运动的先驱。

    Bronislaw Malinowski and Jonh P.Firth can be regarded as the pioneers of this movement in England .

  24. 我的老天爷!那天在弗斯脱上校家里,我们那个玩笑真开得大啊!

    Dear me ! we had such a good piece of fun the other day at Colonel Foster 's.

  25. 弗斯脱上校前天寄出那封快信以后,稍隔数小时即由白利屯出发到我们这儿来,已于昨日抵达此间。

    Colonel Forster came yesterday , having left Brighton the day before , not many hours after the express .

  26. 基于航空重力测量基本数学模型,导出了椭球近似的厄特弗斯改正公式;

    Based on the basic mathematical model for airborne gravimetry , a calculating formal of Etvs Corrections is derived .

  27. 难道他还以为这一次冒犯弗斯脱上校以后,还好意思回到民兵团里去吗?

    Could he expect to be noticed again by the regiment , after such an affront to Colonel Forster ?

  28. 弗斯脱上校认为,要清偿他在白利屯的债务,需要有一千多英镑才够。

    Colonel Forster believed that more than a thousand pounds would be necessary to clear his expenses at Brighton .

  29. 且说当时伊丽莎白对夏绿蒂说:你瞧,达西先生是什么意思呢,我跟弗斯脱上校谈话,干吗要他在那儿听?

    What does Mr. Darcy mean , said she to Charlotte , by listening to my conversation with Colonel Forster ?

  30. 也许弗斯上校会尽量把这件事做得使我们满意。

    Colonel Forster will , I dare say , do every thing in his power to satisfy us on this head .