
yì xìng liàn
  • heterosexuality;heterosex
异性恋[yì xìng liàn]
  1. 这种虚假婚姻被称为薰衣草婚姻(lavendermarriage),有了这种婚姻就可以制造异性恋的假象了。

    A sham marriage of this type , known as the lavender marriage , may thus create the appearance of heterosexuality .

  2. 作家朱莉布吉尔(julieburchill)称他俩是“异性恋的啦啦队长和特使”。

    The writer , Julie burchill , called them " cheerleaders and ambassadors of heterosexuality " .

  3. 从他的性取向来看,他不像异性恋,更像个同性恋。

    His sexual orientation was a lot more gay than straight

  4. “男男约会”是指两个异性恋男子进行与生意和体育无关的社交活动。

    A man date is two heterosexual men socializing without the crutch2 of business or sports .

  5. 魅力超男是自信、有型有款、对于人生各方面都有坚定追求的异性恋男性。与都市型男相比,都市型男只对他自己感兴趣,而魅力超男对事业和信条充满热情。都市型男修饰头发,而魅力超男充实头脑。

    Ubersexual is a heterosexual male who is confident , stylish and committed to uncompromising quality in all areas of life . In comparison with metrosexual , the ubersexual is passionate his mind , the metrosexual grooms his hair .

  6. 上周发表的两份研究发现,每天服用药物可以降低异性恋感染HIV的风险。

    Two studies released last week found that taking medication daily reduced the risk of infection in heterosexuals .

  7. 佩里引用美国作家约翰•斯卡尔奇(JohnScalzi)的话称,“身为一个白人异性恋男性,就好像在玩一个叫做‘人生’的电脑游戏,而游戏难度设定的是‘简单’。”

    Perry quotes the American writer John Scalzi , who " thought that being a straight white male was like playing the computer game called Life with the difficulty setting on ' Easy " . "

  8. 我们这类从牛津剑桥(Oxbridge,也称“牛桥”)毕业、统治着英国的白人异性恋男性,对定期从较低阶层发出的不满之声习以为常。

    We straight white Oxbridge-educated males who rule Britain are used to periodic rumblings of discontent from below .

  9. 2008年CNN做了一项投票调查,结果为55%对44%。结果显示,大多数美国人仍然认为婚姻应属于异性恋者。

    After all , according to a2008 CNN poll , the majority of Americans still believe that marriage is reserved for heterosexual couples – by a margin of55 to44 percent .

  10. 这项研究采用了参与2006年某研究的约487对中低收入异性恋已婚已育夫妇的数据,其结果发表在芝加哥的美国社会学协会(AmericanSociologicalAssociation)年会上。

    The new findings , presented at the American Sociological Association 's annual meeting in Chicago , are based on data from about 487 low - to moderate-income heterosexual married couples with children who took part in a 2006 study on marriages and relationships .

  11. 两位明星坠入了爱河。作家朱莉•布吉尔(JulieBurchill)称他俩是异性恋的啦啦队长和特使。

    The two stars fell in love . The writer , Julie Burchill , called them " cheerleaders and ambassadors of heterosexuality " .

  12. 在西安大略大学(UniversityofWesternOntario)桑波·保诺宁(SampoPaunonen)的研究中,异性恋的男女受试者观看了一些异性的照片,照片上的人被描述为智力、独立性和诚实度各有不同。

    In studies by Sampo Paunonen of the University of Western Ontario , heterosexual subjects of both genders viewed pictures of people of the opposite sex , described as having varying degrees of intelligence , independence and honesty .

  13. 基于博尔州立大学的研究发现,犹他大学的心理学家LisaDiamond通过调查,认为女性的性取向会随着时间发生改变。在她调查的女性中,很多人从异性恋变成了性取向无法确定。

    Following on from the findings at Boise State University , psychologist Lisa Diamond from the University of Utah , discovered that sexuality develops over time . Of the women she questioned , many of them changed their sexual preference from heterosexual to unlabelled ' .

  14. 将天线宝宝引进美国的KenViselman对此回应:“他不是同性恋,他也不是异性恋,他只是儿童连续剧里的一个角色而已。”

    Ken Viselman of Itsy-Bitsy Entertainment , which distributed the show in the US , rejoined : " He 's not gay . He 's not straight . He 's just a character in a children 's series . "

  15. 于1998年成立的“同性恋异性恋联盟网络”这个团体致力于制止针对被视为同性恋、双性恋或变性者即LGBT的青少年进行身体和语言攻击以及网上骚扰。

    The student network , founded in1998 , works to end physical , verbal and online harassment of young people perceived to be gay , lesbian , bisexual or transgender , a group known as LGBT youth .

  16. 2001年,荷兰通过法律,承认同性恋夫妻和异性恋夫妻享有一样的权利。而且,阿姆斯特丹每年举行的“gay-pride”节日依然是全球最热门的活动。

    Same-sex couples there were granted the same rights as heterosexual couples in2001 , and Amsterdam 's annual gay-pride festival is still considered the hottest party on the planet .

  17. 指试图模仿异性恋行为的女性同性恋行为。

    Of female homosexual behavior that atempts to simulate heterosexual behavior .

  18. 她倾向于异性恋,但还需要进一部的信息。

    Leaning to straight , but we still need more info .

  19. 为何稳定的异性恋关系如此稀少?

    Why are there so few stable relationships among heterosexuality ?

  20. 性倾向定义为异性恋,同性恋,或双性恋。

    Sexual orientation means heterosexuality , homosexuality , or bisexuality .

  21. 她不想遵循那些异性恋的规矩。

    She didn 't wanna cleave to the heterosexual paradigm .

  22. 我认识许多异性恋者他们有着同样快乐的婚姻和家庭,

    I know many heterosexuals who have equally happy marriages and families ,

  23. 你不该假设别人具有异性恋倾向。

    You shouldn 't presume that someone is heterosexually inclined .

  24. 哦,他太帅了,不太可能是异性恋。

    Oh , yeah , he 's too cute to be straight .

  25. 我是异性恋者,我钓大马哈鱼。

    I 'm a heterosexual , and I catch salmon like one .

  26. 异性恋者对同性恋者的歧视。

    Discrimination in favor of heterosexual and against homosexual people .

  27. 还有一些跟父母住,或成为异性恋家庭的家长。

    Others live with their parents or head heterosexual families .

  28. 异性恋男女之间有没有纯粹的友谊?

    Can heterosexual men and women ever be " just friends " ?

  29. 也就是说,谁说的异性恋先出现?

    In other words , who says heterosexuality came first ?

  30. 异性恋并非正常,普遍而已。

    Heterosexuality is not normal , it 's just common .