
  • Transgender;transsexual;Ladyboy
  1. 你觉得有迷你变性人托着我们的炉子吗?

    You thought a tiny transsexual was holding up our stove ?

  2. 觉得有一个迷你变性人正托着我们的炉子。

    I thought a tiny transsexual was holding up our stove .

  3. 不久前变性人还被视为怪物。

    Not so long ago , transsexuals were regarded as freaks .

  4. 通过一个名叫帕里斯(Paris)的变性人俱乐部看门人,凯恩开始从黑市上购买荷尔蒙。

    Through a transgender club doorwoman named Paris , Ms. Cayne began getting black-market hormones .

  5. 与这个词相对的则是“(男变女)变性人”,英文简称“transwoman”。

    The term 's exact opposite is " transgender woman " or " trans woman . "

  6. 她还在《早安美国》(GoodMorningAmerica)中亮相,罗宾·罗伯茨(RobinRoberts)说她为变性人能更多的被社会所关注“照亮了道路”。

    She appeared on " Good Morning America , " where Robin Roberts said she was " blazing a path " for transgender visibility .

  7. 作为向“ItGetsBetter”网站的供稿,苹果公司的十多位同性恋、双性恋和变性人雇员坐在了摄像机前,讲述了他们是如何渡过高中那段艰难时光的。

    As their contribution to the " it gets better " website , more than a dozen gay , lesbian , bisexual and transgender Apple employees talked on camera about how they managed to survive high school .

  8. •立场:为LGBT(指同性恋、双性恋和变性人)群体争取工作权益

    • stand : Apple CEO Tim Cook fought for workplace protection for the LGBT community

  9. PC航空公司的名字来自总裁陈彼得名字的首字母,最初计划只招募男性和女性空乘人员,但在100多名变性人和异装癖者也报名后改变了想法。

    PC Air , whose name comes from the initials of president Peter Chan , originally planned only to hire male and female flight attendants , but changed its mind after more than 100 transsexuals and transvestites applied as well .

  10. 亚马逊于今年2月6日试播的五部喜剧和电视剧中,将有四部被正式拍成剧集,其中包括一部黑色喜剧《透明》(Transparent),围绕一个父亲是变性人的洛杉矶家庭展开;

    Four of the five comedy and drama shows that Amazon debuted on Feb. 6 will be made into a series . They include Transparent , a dark comedy about an L.A. family with a father who is transitioning genders ;

  11. 变性人(女变男)指生为女性,但性别认同为男性,并以男性身份生活的人们,英文也可缩写为“transman”,或FTM(女变男)。

    People who are born female but identify and live as a man may use this term to describe themselves . They may shorten it to " trans man . " Some may also use FTM , an abbreviation for female-to-male .

  12. 年轻的变性人PiyahMartell生来便有短的脊椎较短,腿部细弱,但这并没有阻碍她想成为明星的梦想。

    Transgender teenager Piyah Martell was born with a shortened spine and tiny legs but it has not stopped her dreams of becoming a star .

  13. 幸而Tilly博士发现他的前同事——日本埼玉医科大学的YasushiTakai在冰箱里存放了30个变性人不再需要的健康卵巢组织,取得了突破。

    Dr Tilly 's breakthrough came when he discovered that a former colleague , Yasushi Takai of Saitama Medical University in Japan , had in his freezer healthy ovarian tissue from 30 patients who had changed sex .

  14. 的真人秀节目《我是凯特》(IAmCait),44岁的凯恩在其中不可思议地以詹纳的闺蜜身份现身,多次陪她去旧金山与同性恋和变性人活动家们会面,护送她去纽约接受ESPY奖。

    s " I Am Cait , " in which Ms. Cayne , 44 , has emerged as the unlikely confidante of Ms. Jenner , accompanying her on trips to San Francisco to meet with gay and transgender activists and escorting her to the ESPY Awards in New York .

  15. 随着变性人的增多,因性别变更引起的纠纷也日益增多。

    The disputes relevant to gender transition raise with transgender people increasing .

  16. 论变性人参加奥运会的权利

    Research on the Transsexuals ' Right to Compete in the Olympic Games

  17. 他们是想寻觅一个变性人来担任董事?

    Are they looking for transgender directors to sit on the board ?

  18. 变性人的发展历史及其现状

    On the development history and condition of transgender person

  19. 在首轮招聘中,100多名变性人提交了申请。

    More than 100 transsexual people applied for the first round of jobs .

  20. 从公平竞争以及维护运动员的隐私等方面来讲,变性人参加体育比赛包括奥运会具有合理性。

    The reasonableness of transsexuals'taking part in Olympics is fair competition and privacy-safeguard .

  21. 全球几乎都有变性人。

    Gender benders are almost all over the world .

  22. 对于一个变性人他算是及格,他算几个,或者什么其他的。

    She 's passing as a transsexual , she 's passing , or whatever .

  23. 除了19名女性和7名男性外,公司还招募了4名变性人。

    Four were chosen , along with 19 female and 7 male flight attendants .

  24. 据医生介绍,比提并不是第一个怀孕生子的变性人。

    Doctors say Mr Beatie is not the first transgender man to give birth .

  25. 变性人已经改变性别的人。

    One who has undergone a sex change .

  26. 变性人人们似乎更难理解跨性别人群的经历。

    It seems to be harder for people to get their minds around the transgender

  27. 你这位朋友撂倒了一个变性人。

    Your friend here took down a transsexual .

  28. 想像一下,一个女人描绘了世界上第一个由男变女的变性人。

    Imagine that one of the women portrays the world 's first post-op male-to-female transsexual .

  29. 许多人都不会像他们在电视上看到的那些年轻变性人那样美貌。

    Many will not be beautiful , like the young transitioners they watch on TV .

  30. 劳雷尔·哈伯德成为第一个参加奥运会单项比赛的公开变性人运动员。

    Laurel Hubbard became the first openly transgender athlete to compete in a solo Olympic sport .