
yì xiānɡ rén
  • A stranger;a non-native
  1. 第一章联系拉斯·冯·提尔个人以及Dogma电影小组的经历来分析拉斯·冯·提尔电影中突出的人物形象&异乡人。

    In chapter one , I analyze the main character of the movies , which are strangers , through the experience of Lars von Trier and Dogma movie group .

  2. 城市异乡人的现代性认同与传统回归

    Identity with Modernity and Regression to Tradition of Strangers in City

  3. 在我们异乡人的想象中,叫魂仪式应该是神圣的庄严的。

    In my imagination the ritual should be sacred and solemn .

  4. 无家可归的异乡人&解读卡夫卡和他的小说世界

    The homeless stranger & Interpreting Franz Kafka and his novels

  5. 我在这些地方是异乡人。

    I 'm a stranger to these parts .

  6. 哦,我象个异乡人,在异地的陌生人。

    Oh I feel like an alien , a stranger in an alien place .

  7. 认识异乡人疯狂坠入爱河,共度一生

    Meet a foreigner , fall madly in love and spend your lives together .

  8. 大多数时候,异乡人的眼睛才能看到它们的美。

    It often takes a foreign eye , he said , to see the beauty .

  9. 一些小城镇的居民不喜欢异乡人的到来。

    Some people in small towns do not like the out-of-town come to their towns .

  10. 这就是为什么对于它们来说我不是异乡人的原因,它们是我的云。

    That 's why I was no foreigner to them , they were my clouds .

  11. 而在河东岸,狭海对面的异乡人则少见的多。

    East of the river , strangers from across the seas were seen less seldom .

  12. 这里的人们友好、开朗,让我几乎忘了我是一个异乡人。

    People here are so friendly and open that I forget that I am a foreigner .

  13. 你知道,你在那里是个异乡人,所以人们对此有点感兴趣。

    You know , you are foreign there , so there 's a bit of interest with that .

  14. 我有些意外,像我这样连个固定住所都没有的异乡人能帮她什么忙呢?

    I was a bit surprised because a floater like me could not possibly offer much help to her .

  15. 上班族带给纽约潮涨潮落般的骚动,本地人确保了纽约的稳固持续的发展,而异乡人则赋予纽约以澎湃的激情。

    Commuters give the city its tidal restlessness ; natives give it solidity and continuity ; but the settlers give it passion .

  16. 被称为“无家可归的异乡人”的奥地利小说家卡夫卡的一生是短暂而不幸的,疾病折磨着他,追寻与放弃的痛苦时时纠缠着他;

    He suffered from diseases and was torn by the conflict of pursuit and abandonment , but his life was far-reaching and penetrable ;

  17. 注重人文教育,呼唤传统回归城市异乡人的现代性认同与传统回归

    Much Account Is Made of Humanities Education with Appeal to the Return of Tradition Identity with Modernity and Regression to Tradition of Strangers in City

  18. 她仍是一位异乡人,对自己的地位缺乏信心。一些小城镇的居民不喜欢异乡人的到来。

    She was still a foreigner , unsure of her ground . Some people in small town do not like out-of-towny come to their town .

  19. 异乡人身份和边缘人人格的赛珍珠谈到人格,但不要忘记还有一个国格。

    Pearl S.Buck s " Outsider " Identity and " Marginalizer " Personality ; When they talk about human dignity , they should not forget national dignity .

  20. 异乡人可以在不熟悉的野外对付一阵子,但想要长得健壮或者死里逃生,他一定需要当地的专门知识。

    An outsider can muddle through an unfamiliar wilderness at some level , but to thrive or to survive a crisis , he 'll require local expertise .

  21. 为什么当异乡人问我对生活做了什么然后试着评价我的书的时候我只是笼统的解说呢?

    Why do I speak in generalities when strangers ask me what I do for a living and then try to pin down what kind of books I write ?

  22. 唉,我不能留在这屋子里了,家对我已不再是家了,因为永恒的异乡人在对我呼唤,他正沿着道路走来。

    Alas , I cannot stay in the house , and home has become no home to me , for the eternal Stranger calls , he is going along the road .

  23. 异乡人在历史与文化、城市与乡村中追寻家园的悲剧,一方面展示了异乡人不屈的抗争精神,另一方面则突显毕飞宇小说的悲剧美学风格。

    The tragedy in pursuit of home between history and culture and between the city and countryside discloses the stranger 's struggle spirit and reveals novel 's aesthetic style of tragedy .

  24. 这些离乡背井、四处漂泊的异乡人,不管在海外生活多长时间,仍然对将来感到迷惘。

    For people who have left their hometown and have been wandering , no matter how long they have been living overseas , they will have a sense of uncertainty about the future .

  25. 生于20世纪50年代的农裔作家是以异乡人姿态面对城市的,他们一度因认同启蒙现代性而挣扎进城,并渴望被城市现代性同化;

    Those authors who were born in the 50 ′ s of last century are faced with city as strangers . They marched into city and thirsted for being assimilated because of identity with enlightening modernity .

  26. 在他看来,由于不同的道德共同体存在不同的道德前提和预设,所以道德异乡人之间的争论无休无止,而恩格尔哈特程序性原则的一个重要起点,恰恰在于对这种差异性的关注。

    In his view , since different moral communities have different moral presuppositions and premises , disputes among moral strangers are endless . His concern with these differences is one major founding point for his procedure principle .

  27. 诺维科夫认为,常常困扰莫斯科游客的“临时服务”正在改善,但他同时承认对异乡人的敌意仍然存在,甚至是那些从小在实行私有化的前苏联环境下长大的人也是一样。

    Mr Novikov insists that the offhand service that often distresses visitors to Moscow is improving . But he concedes that surliness endures , even among waiters and waitresses who grew up in the privatised , post-Soviet years .

  28. 首先,中国对外交流日益频繁,医疗领域的合作不可避免会面对道德异乡人的困境,这种境况完全可以参照允许原则来解决可能面对的道德分歧。

    First of all , with more and more overseas medical exchanges , medical cooperation will unavoidably face the dilemma of moral strangers . Possible moral disputes in such situations could be solved by using Principle of Permission .

  29. 因此,在六七十年代那个充斥着疏离感的时候,似乎感到疏离的往往是美国人,异乡人和他们的子女反而能够坚守其本土价值观—这也是在情理之中的。

    It was no accident in the ' 60s and ' 70s , when alienation was in flower , that it often seemed to be " native " Americans who felt alienated , while aliens or the children of aliens upheld the native values .

  30. 从波兰到秘鲁,在远方旅行的人回家时都会有这样的经历----所经之处的人们本着“家中客即上帝”的农民原则,毫无问题地与异乡人共享面包、小屋甚至床铺。

    Travellers in remote parts , from Poland to Peru , come home with stories of bread , shelter , even beds shared without question with the stranger on the peasant principle that " A guest in the house is God in the house . "