
  1. 在hypervisor开发的过程中,hypervisor就是新开辟的战场。

    One thing is clear with the hypervisor developments that are occurring : The hypervisor is a new battleground .

  2. 两党开辟敌后战场的战略目的不同,这影响到两党抗战态度和国共关系;

    The two parties differed in their strategic aims of opening battlefields in enemy 's rear area which affected their relation and attitude towards the Anti Japanese War ;

  3. 针对三网融合市场,采用SO战略(优势与弱点的组合)利用既有优势,积极开展融合业务,开辟新战场,创造新的利润增长点。

    For the three-network convergence market , it should take the SO strategy ( a combination of strength-opportunity ) to open a new battlefield and to create new profit growth point .

  4. 同时他也是主张攻打前苏联的倡导者,虽然这个新开辟的战场上造成的死伤人数比欧洲战场更多,但是比起希特勒组建了更糟糕的政权,丘吉尔的作为显得更有价值。

    Churchill was also the main advocate for an attack on the Soviet Union . This new war would have killed more people than the war in Europe , but was worth it to Churchill to stop what he saw as a worse regime than Hitler 's.

  5. 简析丘吉尔对英国开辟第二战场的战略指导

    On Churchill 's Strategic Directing of British Army to Open up the 2nd Front

  6. 邱吉尔来到华盛顿说服罗斯福把在欧洲开辟第二战场的日期拖延下去。

    Churchill arrived in Washington to talk Roosevelt out of an early invasion of Europe .

  7. 丘吉尔是怎样拖延开辟第二战场的

    How Churchill Delayed Opening the Second Front

  8. 我希望霍普金斯先生能利用他的巨大影响,促使现在在欧洲开辟第二战场。

    I hope Mr Hopkins will use his great influence to establish a second front now in europe .

  9. 我不明白霍普金斯先生所说的,这就是现在在欧洲开辟第二战场的真正障碍。

    I cannot see this as a real obstacle to a second front in Europe now , as Mr. Hopkins states .

  10. 苏德战争爆发,开辟第二战场成为盟国的共识。

    When the war between the Soviet Union and Germany broke out , the Allies came to the common ground to open the second battlefield .

  11. 德黑兰会议前后,苏联承诺参加对日作战是为争取美英早日开辟第二战场。

    In order to urge America and Britain to open the second battlefield earlier , the Soviet Union promised to declare war on Japan just before and after the Teheran Conference .

  12. 环渤海湾的极浅海地区水浅、坡缓、淤泥厚、潮间带宽,估计石油储量在20亿吨以上,是总公司实施“开辟第二战场,进行第二次创业”战略的重要地区。

    In the shallow sea area of circum-Buohai bay with shallow sea water , flat ground under water , thick sludge and wide intertidal zone , the estimated petroleum reserves is200 million tons .

  13. 斯大林迫切要求英国尽快在欧洲大陆开辟第二战场,以牵制德军,减轻苏联压力,改变战场形势。

    Stalin urged the British to open a second front in Western Europe in order to change the war situation by lifting some of the pressure imposed on the Soviet by the German troops .

  14. 委员会的成立表明,不仅两国政府高度重视深化双边经贸关系,两国经济界还开辟了新的战场。

    The founding of this Council not only shows the importance both governments attach to bilateral business relations , but also opens a new channel for conducting business cooperation .

  15. 探讨如何开辟广告竞争新战场,对稳定广告市场并取得持续的健康发展,对都市报无疑有十分重大的意义。

    Research , on how to handle with advertisement sale is undoubted significance to stabilize the advertisement market , maintain the long-term health development , and expand the market of metropolis daily .

  16. 二战中,美英苏在开辟欧洲第二战场问题上经历了从立场冲突到妥协合作,直至成功实现诺曼底登陆的过程。

    In the Second World War , The United States ' British and USSR went through the process from conflict to compromise and cooperation on the problem " open up the second battlefield in Europe " .