
  • 网络Open die forging;closed-die forging
  1. 本文以复杂零件精密成形的思想为指导,根据开式模锻成形理论,结合铝合金锻造技术,针对轿车轮毂零件的自身特点,制定出轿车铝合金轮毂锻造成形工艺。

    In this paper , with the guidance of precision forming of complex compon - ents , based on the forming theory of closed-die forging , combining the technique of aluminium alloy forging and considering the characteristics of car wheel , the forging technology of aluminium alloy wheel is planned .

  2. 连皮厚度是开式模锻工艺参数中的一个重要参量,它对模锻变形力和材料的消耗有很大的影响。

    Web thickness is one of the important parameters in Closed-die forging process , which has an effect on forming force of die forging and material consumption .

  3. 选择了5T蒸汽-空气锤上开式模锻。

    The open die drop forging with the 5 T steam - air hammer is selected .

  4. 结果表明,采用TZM钼基合金模具。在1050℃以接近10-3s-1的应变速率进行闭式模锻和开式模锻,模具材料均能满足使用要求,且开式模锻设备最大载荷不超过31×103kN;

    The simulation results show that the molybdenum based die material ( TZM alloy ) can meet the practical need for both close die and open die forming when the disk is isothermal forged at 1050C with pseudo-constant strain rate of 10-3 s-1 ;

  5. 开式模锻终锻型槽充满难度系数

    Difficulty coefficient to fill up finishing impression of closed-die forging

  6. 开式模锻型腔充满阶段和锻靠阶段的变形力

    The deformation force in cavity of closed-die in stages of filling and die kissing

  7. 开式模锻工艺与模具整体优化设计

    The theoretical research on the whole optimum design of closed die forging technology and die

  8. 开式模锻螺旋伞齿轮试验结果显示,模具结构复杂,所产锻件有飞边;

    Open-die forging test of lead work-piece showed die structure being complex and flash being created .

  9. 开式模锻变形过程的理论分析及毛边尺寸的理论优化设计方法

    Theoretical Analysis of the Deformation Process of Closed-die and Theoretical Optimum Design Method of the Dosed-die Forging Flash

  10. 液压支架中的缸底生产批量不是太大,外形多变,所以它多在锤上用镶块模开式模锻成形。

    So , it is always formed on the die-forging hammer by the open-die forging with insert mode .

  11. 开式模锻中飞边槽的形式对锻件成形过程的影响较大。

    In the open die forging , the type of flash has great influence on the process of forging .

  12. 开式模锻型腔充满阶段的金属流动模型及其工程应用

    The metal moving pattern in the cavity of closed die forging in the filing stage and its application in Engineering

  13. 将这些定量对应关系应用于工程设计,能有效地解决开式模锻工艺与模具设计中的主要参数优化问题。

    If these are applied to engineering design , they will solve the problem of how to optimize these main parameters .

  14. 锤锻中常用的开式模锻与闭式模锻是有区别的。

    A distinction may be made between open-die forging , usually in the form of hammer forging , and closed-die forging .

  15. 本文针对这类问题提出模型元分析法及其基本原理和应用,创建定量描述开式模锻变形过程的基本理论体系。

    In this paper MEM ( model element method ) and its application are presented and fundamentals architecture is created for quantitative describing the deformation process of open die forging .

  16. 论述了螺旋伞齿轮(也叫螺伞齿轮)开式模锻工艺存在的问题,提出了螺旋伞齿轮无飞边精锻新工艺和新型模具结构。

    The problems of open die forging for spiral bevel gears have been described . A new process and new structure principle of die for closed precision die forging of spiral bevel gears have been presented .

  17. 根据开式模锻型腔充满阶段的金属流动特征提出一种新的金属流动模型,由此推导出各主要参数之间的定量对应关系。

    According to the characteristic of metal moving in the cavity of closed die forging in the filling stage , a new metal moving pattern is established . And from that , the quantitative relations of main parameters are deduced .

  18. 叙述了闭式模锻与开式模锻在模具设计上的共性及区别,阐述了闭式锻模上分流器的设置原则及其结构型式。

    The article has described generality and differentiation on the die design of the colsed die forging and the open die forging , and it has elaborated the installing principle of the diverter on the closed forging die and its constructional forms .

  19. 在建立物理模型基础上,对开式模锻变形过程进行理论分析,得到锻件毛边尺寸与终锻型腔形状尺十间的理论对应关系。

    On the basis of making physical model according to the deformation process of closed-die , this paper gives the deformation process a systematic theoretical analysis and concludes the relationship between the forging sizes of flash and shape-sizes of the finishing impresion .

  20. 本文以开式模锻为例说明针对各式各样的体积成形过程建立变形力分布曲线的原理与方法;建立了开式模锻各个阶段的变形力分布曲线;

    This paper states the theory and method by which the deforming force distribution diagram is drawn according to all sorts of bulk forming processes through an example of open-die forming and draws out all deforming force distribution diagrams in each stage of forming process ;

  21. 在合理建立开式模锻变形过程的物理模型的基础上,对其第二阶段的变形过程进行了系统的理论分析,首次建立了毛边槽桥部尺寸的设计准则。

    On the basis of properly building up physical model of deformation process of open die forging , this paper gives a systematic theoretical analysis on the second period of the deformation process and for the first time sets up the design criteria of the forging flash size .